Press Release

Hydrogen steelmaking has potential to cut CO2 emissions from primary steelmaking in India: TERI study

19 Aug 2021

The paper suggests measures in using green hydrogen in steel manufacturing that could make India one of the first major economies to industrialise without the need to 'carbonise'.

New Delhi, August 19: A new study by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) suggests measures to decouple the growth of the iron and steel sector from rising carbon emissions by making green hydrogen an important part of steel manufacturing.

TERI and Tata Steel Foundation initiate Phase IV of the Green School Project

16 Jul 2021

The fourth phase of the Green School Project will extend itself to include the town of Sukinda. The project has designed a new Green Buddy Programme and will work towards encouraging teachers to become peer planners for project related activities.

DULT, TERI sign MoU to work on developing low-carbon urban freight in Karnataka

30 Jun 2021

TERI and the DULT will focus on developing a low-carbon strategy for Karnataka's urban freight sector.

New Delhi, June 30: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and the Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), Government of Karnataka, on Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on developing a low carbon urban freight in the state of Karnataka.

TERI launches coalition to decarbonise urban freight in India

25 Jun 2021

The Sustainable Urban Freight Coalition (SUFC) aims to promote and achieve sustainability in the sector and move towards achieving the vision of decarbonisation of India’s transport sector by 2030.

New Delhi, June 25: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) today launched the Sustainable Urban Freight Coalition (SUFC), a consortium of public and private stakeholders of urban freight in India to bring together industry, academia, and civil society for Sustainable Urban Freight (SUF) practices.

TERI suggests diversification of revenue sources for coal-bearing states to prepare for just transitions

24 Jun 2021

The suggestion comes from two working papers released on Thursday that underline the need for a Just Transition approach while shifting from coal to renewables

Tata Steel and TERI take forward environment education initiative; sign phase IV of Green School Project

05 Jun 2021

TERI and Tata Steel sign a MoU for Phase IV of the Green School Project on the occasion of World Environment Day.

Mahindra-TERI Centre of Excellence launches Chennai Water Sustainability Assessment Report

05 Jun 2021

- Chennai's water requirement expected to reach 2,236.5 MLD (million litres/day) by 2025, from 2,074 MLD in 2019 - Recommends capacity enhancement of Chennai's water treatment plants to 2348.3 MLD by 2025, among other measures

लखनऊ में भूमिगत जल का दोहन मौजूदा रिचार्ज की तुलना में 17 गुना अधिक, टिकाऊ प्रबंधन की सख़्त ज़रूरत: टेरी

04 Jun 2021

4 जून, 2021, नई दिल्ली: लखनऊ शहर पूर्व-मानसून अवधि में अपने भूमिगत जल सिस्टम में, वर्षा और गोमती नदी से होने वाले कुल रिचार्ज के मुकाबले, लगभग सत्रह गुना अधिक भूमिगत जल का दोहन कर रहा है। अगर ये दोहन इसी दर से चलता रहा तो साल 2031 तक मध्य लखनऊ के प्रमुख मोहल्लों में भूमिगत जल का स्तर वर्तमान स्तर से 20-25 मीटर नीचे चले जाने का अनुमान है। ये निष्कर्ष नई दिल्ली स्थित द एनर्जी एंड रिसोर्सेज इंस्टीट्यूट (टेरी) और दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के भूविज्ञान विभाग के साथ मिलकर किए गए एक अध्ययन में सामने आए हैं। इस अध्ययन को उत्तर प्रदेश भूमिगत जल विभाग, लखनऊ ने विश्व बैंक के सहयोग से प्राय

Agriculture, forest and river conservation, domestic water use efficiency key to India's water security: Prakash Javadekar

04 Jun 2021

June 4, 2021, New Delhi: Giving an overview of key challenges and solutions in water resource management in India, Mr. Prakash Javadekar, Hon'ble Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change highlighted the need to augment rivers which are a perennial source of water. He was speaking on the eve of the World Environment Day, during a virtual curtain raiser event of TERI's annual conference The World Sustainable Development Summit, scheduled to be held in February 2022. The event deliberated on the theme of ‘Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Water Use'.

उत्तराखण्ड के पर्वतीय इलाकों में बढ़ रहा तापमान, बढ़ेगा स्थानीय समुदायों का पलायन

25 Mar 2021

एक नए अध्ययन के अनुसार, साल 2021-2050 के बीच उत्तरखंड का औसत अधिकतम तापमान 1.6-1.9 डिग्री सेल्सियस तक बढ़ सकता है। अध्ययन के अनुसार, राज्य की अर्थव्यवस्था को पुर्नजीवित करने के लिए राज्य के पर्वतीय इलाकों में आजीविका के वैकल्पिक तौर-तरीके विकसित करने होंगे।