
Groundwater management is critical for survival

17 Sep 2015 |
| The Statesman

The immediate challenge is to ensure that policy makers realize that effective groundwater management is as crying a need for India's development as socio-economic reforms, says Dr S K Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow and Director, Water Resources Division, TERI.

Electricity for all - villages or households?

16 Sep 2015 |
Dr Debajit Palit
| The Hindu Business Line

Even as village after village in India is 'electrified', many households within them, equal to the US population, are not, says Mr Debajit Palit, Associate Director, Social Transformation division, TERI.

Why cities need wildlife nature

13 Sep 2015 |
Dr Pia Sethi
| The Hindustan Times

Biodiversity concerns must be integrated into urban plans, says Dr Pia Sethi, Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change division, TERI.

Close to touching the edge of a rainbow

09 Sep 2015 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Pioneer

Technological advancements have made renewable energy-based lighting systems so cost-effective that the latter can now be introduced in villages, where there is no electricity and no prospect of grid-based power, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Sharing the spoils of petroleum

09 Sep 2015 |
Mr Siddharth Singh
| Business Standard Blog (The Energy Factor)

Oil exploration and production is a highly risky activity with no certainty of finding resources to pump out. Even when petroleum is found and proven to be viable for production, estimates of the reserves are often not accurate, says Mr Siddharth Singh, Research Associate, Green Growth and Resource Efficiency division, TERI.

Can an oil importing India be energy secure?

26 Aug 2015 |
Mr Siddharth Singh
| Business Standard Blog (The Energy Factor)

The key to energy security is affordable and consistent supply of energy, both of which can be ensured in the case of oil, even if India continues to largely import it, says Mr Siddharth Singh, Research Associate, Green Growth and Resource Efficiency division, TERI.

1st airport in world to go 100% solar is in India

21 Aug 2015 |
Mr Anand Upadhyay
| Clean Technica

India has 136 airports, some of which are spread over vast pieces of land. Large-scale solar plants are possible on many of these, says Mr Anand Upadhyay, Associate Fellow, Energy Environment Technology Development, TERI.

Five reasons why India's natural gas push remains hot air

12 Aug 2015 |
Mr Siddharth Singh
| Business Standard Blog (The Energy Factor)

Much more needs to be done to improve natural gas availability and facilitate a move towards a greener energy system, says Mr Siddharth Singh, Research Associate, Green Growth and Resource Efficiency division, TERI.

Mizoram: Realizing the change

01 Aug 2015 |
Dr Yogesh Gokhale
| Business Economics

The policy of village grouping for insurgency control and the new land use policy has shifted the tide of development in Mizoram, says Dr Yogesh Gokhale, Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

Efficacy Analysis: Assessment of policy instruments for renewable energy

31 Jul 2015 |
| Renewable Watch

Being capital intensive and associated with lower generation levels, renewable energy projects require promotional efforts to make them competitive with conventional energy-based projects, says Mr Sapan Thapar, Fellow, Department of Energy & Environment, TERI University.