
Embrace multilateralism

03 Sep 2020 |
Mr Karan Mangotra
Ms Ritu Ahuja
| The Pioneer

India's decision to not only rely on local manufacturing but also multiply the scale to meet global demands stands to gain extensively from multilateral support, write Mr Karan Mangotra, Associate Director, Growth, Diversification and Commercialization and Ms Ritu Ahuja, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI

Innovation in Textile Wastewater Treatment: Integrating Advanced Oxidation to Achieve ZLD and Enhance Water Reuse Efficiency

30 Aug 2020 |
Dr Nupur Bahadur
| Everything About Water

Integration of TADOX in the textile sector aims to solve some of the most pertinent issues in wastewater treatment plants which hinder actual ZLD, writes Dr Nupur Bahadur, Fellow and Area Convenor, Water Resources Division, TERI.

A vehicle for green recovery

20 Aug 2020 |
Ms Aanchal Pruthi
Ms Aishwarya Raj
Ms Neha Pahuja
| The Pioneer

States must endorse a holistic approach to development where economic revival is planned in consonance with their ability to mitigate climate change and achieve SDGs, write Ms Aanchal Pruthi, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change, Ms Aishwarya Raj, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change, Ms Neha Pahuja, Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI.

Covid crisis: India can not afford a 'shock therapy' of the kind Russia experienced in early 1990s

19 Aug 2020 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Financial Express

With such a severe crisis the standard positions of not interfering in the market and not rescuing failing enterprises have to be given up, writes Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Embrace the circular economy

08 Aug 2020 |
Dr Shilpi Kapur
Mr Prahlad Kumar Tewari
| The Pioneer

As nations move towards a post-pandemic fiscal recovery, they must adopt strategies for long-term sustainable development and create resilient economies, write Dr Shilpi Kapur, Senior Fellow, Centre for Waste Management, Environment & Waste Management Division, TERI and Mr Prahlad Kumar Tewari, Fellow and Area Convenor, Resource Efficient Technologies, Environment & Waste Management Division, TERI.

How India can rejig its industrial policy

03 Aug 2020 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Hindu Business Line

Haphazard reforms have shortchanged producers, raising costs. A sector-specific focus with public investment support is needed, says Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

The low carbon path

30 Jul 2020 |
Dr Ajay Mathur
| The Indian Express

A focus on building more resilient physical infrastructure along with decarbonisation of heavy industry and heavy-duty transport will put us on a path towards a sustainable economy, writes Dr Ajay Mathur, Director-General, TERI.

Time to reinforce SDGs

27 Jul 2020 |
Ms Aishwarya Raj
Ms Vani Rijhwani
| The Pioneer

The UN-DESA has reiterated the necessity of fulfilling SDGs for post-COVID-19 recovery and ensuring preparedness for the monumental crisis of global climate change, say Ms Aishwarya Raj, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI and Ms Vani Rijhwani, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

COVID-19 | Is India prepared to tackle the plastic waste the pandemic produces?

23 Jul 2020 |
Mr Karan Mangotra
Mr Sourabh Manuja
| Money Control

Along with fighting the outbreak and resuscitating the economy, the focus on protecting the environment-mainly the indiscriminate use and disposal of single-use plastic-must be kept, say Mr Karan Mangotra, Associate Director and Fellow, Growth, Diversification & Commercialization Division, TERI and Mr Sourabh Manuja, Fellow, Environment & Waste Management Division, TERI

Airplanes can give wings to self-reliance

08 Jul 2020 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Hindu Business Line

A National Mission for design and development of passenger aircraft can help India create a globally competitive industry, says Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.