
Don't privatise essential services

04 Jul 2024 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Hindu Business Line

India must not ignore the UK experience, where privatisation of electricity, gas, water, railways has not worked, says Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

How cities can beat the heat with passive design

04 Jul 2024 |
| Mr Sanjay Seth and Ms Sheen Pandita
| Hindustan Times

Investing in insulation, optimising thermal mass, and fostering natural ventilation has enduring benefits for both your finances and the environment, says Mr Sanjay Seth, Senior Fellow & Senior Director and Ms Sheen Pandita, Research Associate, Sustainable Buildings Division, TERI.

Transforming Indian agriculture: Sustainable solutions for a greener future

24 Jun 2024 |
Dr Arvind Kapur
| The Financial Express

Urbanisation and industrialization are taking away fertile agriculture lands, causing a decline in water table and an increase in nutrient deficient soils, which are the key factors leading to shrinking input resources in agriculture, says Dr Arvind Kapur, Distinguished Fellow, Sustainable Agriculture Division, TERI.

The Green Credit Programme can drive India’s circular bioeconomy and energy transition

13 Jun 2024 |
Mr Souvik Bhattacharjya
| The Economic Times

The Green Credit Programme, a market-based system introduced in 2023, offers a valuable chance to address greenhouse gas emissions and deliver additional environmental advantages, says Mr Souvik Bhattacharjya, Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Resource Efficiency and Governance Division, TERI.

There is still a lot of work to be done on waste management in cities

12 Jun 2024 |
Dr Suneel Pandey
| Dainik Bhaskar

Many cities in India lack the ability to establish sewage treatment facilities due to the high financial investment required for construction, operation, and management. Additionally, most sewage plants incur significant electrical expenses. Hence, it is crucial for urban areas to collaborate in constructing centralized sewage infrastructure and treatment plants to cater to densely populated regions, says Dr Suneel Pandey, Senior Fellow and Director, Circular Economy and Waste Management Division, TERI.

Urban planning needs to be climate sensitive

12 Jun 2024 |
| Ms Anushree Harde and Mr Sharif Qamar
| Hindustan Times

The implementation of climate-resilient projects can be facilitated by paving the way for more integrated and effective governance structures by breaking down these silos and the promotion of cross-sectoral collaboration, says Ms Anushree Harde, Research Associate and Mr Sharif Qamar, Fellow and Associate Director, Transport and Urban Governance Division, TERI.

India needs to be ready for hotter and longer summers

31 May 2024 |
Ms Suruchi Bhadwal
Mr K Venkatramana
| Hindustan Times

India needs to be sensitive to rising temperatures and heatwave conditions. The country is now locked into this due to the climate crisis, says Ms Suruchi Bhadwal, Senior Fellow and Director and Mr K Venkatramana, Associate Fellow and Area Convenor, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

How to regulate water sector

30 May 2024 |
Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar
| The Hindu Business Line

The Centre must evolve a draft model Bill on water regulation after consultation with States, says Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, Water Resources Division, TERI.