
'Clinical research will play a major role in India?s biotech future'

24 Nov 2003 |
Dr Banwari Lal
| The Financial Express

TERI's microbial biotechnology research area has made rapid strides in micropropagation of useful plant species and development of oil-destroying bacterial strains that clean the environment, while keeping the commercial viability of the end product as the bottom line. It is now focusing on clinical research, mainly for quick detection of pathogenic organisms and gene-sequencing methods. Senior fellow and area convener Dr Banwari Lal spoke to Sudhir Chowdhary of The Financial Express on the quality of clinical research in India and more.

'Regulatory oversight of agricultural biotech should be science-based'

11 Nov 2003 |
Dr Vibha Dhawan
| The Financial Express

One of the major goals of TERI's Division of Bioresources and Biotechnology has been application of biotechnological techniques to supplement conventional methods for improvement of plant species. Biotechnology research is being carried out in the areas of micropropagation and transgenics, plant tissue culture, genetic engineering, and microbial biotechnology, among other fields. In an interview with Sudhir Chowdhary, the director of the division, Dr Vibha Dhawan, talks about the crucial role of biotechnology in accelerating agricultural productivity.

Change for the better: Indian industry should take a deep interest in the subject of climate change and its threats

11 Nov 2003 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| Business India

Scientists have investigated climate change and its threat for over a hundred years now. Perhaps the earliest alarm regarding future climate change in the world was voiced by the well known Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius in 1896, when he articulated his assessment that carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere would continue to increase as the world consumption of fossil fuels, particularly coal, increased rapidly in the future. He predicted that if atmospheric CO2 doubled, the earth would become several degrees warmer. Unfortunately, hardly any attention was paid to these predictions, which we find now had great scientific validity.

Climate Challenge: poorer nations must hang together

24 Oct 2003 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Times of India

It was a little over a year ago that around 70,000 persons, including heads of states from several countries, converged on Johannesburg for the World Summit on Sustainable Development. One of the spectacles that several participants witnessed, and which was reported widely in the media worldwide, was the burning of a large pile of sugar imported from Europe. The farmers of Africa were protesting against the huge subsidies provided to agriculture in Europe, which have apparently made the whole of Africa dependent on food imports from the North, wiping out the livelihoods of farmers on that continent.

Are oil sector reforms off track?

01 Oct 2003 |
Asha Ram Sihag2
| The Economic Times

Petroleum sector meets close to 45% of the commercial energy needs of the country. Reforms in this crucial sector are important to promote investment and energy security; improve access and quality of service; and reduce costs and environmental impacts. Over the last 20 years efforts have been made to increase private participation in exploration and production, in refining and to even introduce competition in limited product categories such as lubricants and some bulk distillates.

Spectrum management: the telecom lifeline

14 Aug 2003 |
Asha Ram Sihag2
| The Hindu Business Line

Spectrum is the fundamental resource in wireless communication. It is scarce and is allotted by the government to various users. The increase in number and the popularity of wireless communications have led to a situation of demand pressure on the limited spectrum supply.

Babucracy needs a change menu: lateral entry, early retirement, secondment to the corporate world

13 Aug 2003 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Indian Express

Newspaper reports indicate that under Deputy Prime Minster L K Advani's initiative, two professors from IIM Ahmedabad carried out a daylong training programme, attended by 30 secretaries to the Government of India.

IUC regulation: TRAI again!

27 Jul 2003 |
Asha Ram Sihag2
| The Hindu Business Line

With many inconsistencies coming to the fore post-IUC (interconnection user charges) regulation, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has taken up its review. The IUC regulation and the tariff order issued by TRAI in January came into force from May 1; the tariff hike proposed by TRAI was rolled back under political pressure. As for the IUC, until the review process is complete, it will continue to remain in force in its existing form.

Tourists to Advocates: making ecotourism work for people

27 Jun 2003 |
Dr TP Singh
| The Times of India

The idea of ecotourism being one of the ways in which a variety of ecological, economic and social ills can be resolved has been around for some time now. Unfortunately though, the desire to see quick and/or easy solutions to these problems all too often results in both the concept and the practice of ecotourism being used and abused.

Whither Water

06 Jun 2003 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Indian Express

Today is World Environment Day. For those of us living in India, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan's message, on the occasion, holds special significance. He's marked out the theme of this year's World Environment Day as "Water: Two billion people are dying for it".