Ongoing Projects

To develop energy efficient building materials directory for India

December 10, 2018
| Buildings

The objective of this project is to compile a directory/database for energy-efficient building materials and a policy roadmap to guide formulation, enforcement and monitoring of labels, in the residential sector, through market forces.

Health and Air Pollution Policy in India

December 1, 2018
| Environment

The main objective of this project is to produce three policy modules in the areas of health and air pollution policy in India under the direction of the leadership team of the Collaborative Clean Air Policy Research Centre.

Indian Solar Market Aggregation for Rooftops

December 1, 2018

The Indian Solar Market Aggregation for Rooftops (I-SMART) programme is a GIZ and MNRE supported initiative aimed at promoting the rooftop solar market across India to contribute to national policy goals. I-SMART is operating in Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir through targeted outreach and awareness campaigns and technical assistance support to DISCOMs and State Nodal Agencies (SNAs).

Health and Air Pollution Policy in India

December 1, 2018
| Environment
| Health & Nutrition
| Cities

The main objective of this project is to produce three policy modules in the areas of health and air pollution policy in India under the direction of the leadership team of the Collaborative Clean Air Policy Research Centre.

Third party verification of Left Out/Newly Grown Families with Parallel IPC and focus Group Discussion for Mission Directorate of SBM-G in the State of Assam (1st Phase Allocation)

November 5, 2018
| Waste

The objective of the third party verification of left out household survey is to verify and validate whether all the left out households are included in the survey or not. Implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin); its physical achievements in open defecation free (ODF) Gaon Panchayats/  Village Council Development Committees/Mishing Autonomous Councils/Villages declared by Districts.

Identification of AMF Effectome and Concomitant target proteins in host plant to understand their role in establishing symbiosis using Funneliformis mosseae and Carrot as model species

November 3, 2018
| Sustainable Agriculture

The main objectives of the project are: (1) identification and characterization of effectors coded by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (Funneliformis mosseae); (2) exploration for role of effector proteins in establishing symbiotic relationship; (3) investigation for whether AM fungi use effector proteins to short-circuit the plant defence mechanism.