Ongoing Projects

Technical consultancy for energy conservation and resource efficiency for MIL, Hapur plant, unit 1 & 2 combined

June 18, 2020
| Energy Efficiency
| Water

The objectives of this project are:

(i) Identify thrust areas for energy and water conservation;

(ii) Identify the ways and means to waste minimization and recycling potential.

Developing green corridor (plantation) on highways and greening of schools for environment sustainability

June 16, 2020
| Environment
| Transport

TERI proposes a green corridor initiative to develop eco-friendly road/highways with participation of the local communities, farmers, government agencies and the forest department to contribute in India’s NGHM (National Green Highways Mission) under NHAI (National Highways Authority of India) plan for green corridor development at highways and schools.

Assessment of ambient air quality in the vicinity of well Baghjan 5, Oil India Limited, Duliajan, Assam

June 15, 2020
| Environment

The main objective of this study is to see the impact of the recent fire accident at gas well head on ambient air quality in the nearby vicinity of exploration well. Specific objectives of the study are to: Measure the levels of PM2.5, SO2, NOx, methane, non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), total hydrocarbons (TH) and total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) at a radius of 0.5 km, 1 km, 1.5 km and 2 km from the impacted well head in all the four directions on a rotational basis;

Consultancy on activities to strengthen and implement activities related to energy efficiency and cooling

June 1, 2020
| Environment

The main objectives of this project are to strengthen and implement activities related to energy efficiency and cooling particularly in the following areas of work: (1) Developing Kigali implementation scenarios; (2) Advancing efficiency and low-GWP standards as part of the update of the AC standards.  

Impact evaluation of Pashu Bhagya Scheme (2015-16 to 2018-19) on livelihood security of marginal and small farmers, agricultural labourers, widows, devadasis and distressed women

June 1, 2020

The main purpose of the assignment would be: (1) Assessment of farmers eligibility to access encouraging opportunities and avail benefits of the scheme in terms of increasing the farmers’ income, employment, skills and its penetration across cow/buffalo, goat/sheep, piggery and poultry sectors with fulfillment of aim/objectives, as well as its efficacy and efficiency.

Hiring of a consultancy firm/ agency/ bidder for preparation of detailed project report to set up a centre of excellence for sustainable land management

June 1, 2020
| Forest & Biodiversity

The objective of this project is to produce a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for setting up a Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Land Management which entails the following:  Background and objectives in detail of Centre of Excellence  Scope of work and functions of Centre of Excellence  Well defined methodology to set up a Centre of Excellence  Best suited organizational structure with manpower and infrastructure 

SED Grant to support the development of high renewable energy power systems in two major states of India

June 1, 2020

The main objective of this project is to overcome the lack of detailed planning for high renewables systems in at least two key states over the course of the project by developing demand, supply, grid integration and infrastructure analysis for two states. The overall objective is to support a policy and market environment that allows India to achieve around 450 GW of RE by 2030, or a share of zero carbon electricity above 45%.

Microbial indicators of anthropogenic stress in the mangrove ecosystems of Goa

May 28, 2020
| Environment

Studies of microbial community responses to heavy metal pollution and remediation of real-world multi-metal sites has rarely been done. It is important to understand how microorganisms are affected by heavy metal pollution. Microbes control most biogeochemical processes and ecosystem productivity and hence important to study the relationship between the stress due to metals and their diversity.

Hiring of firms for carrying out energy and resource mapping of MSME clusters in India (chemical)

May 22, 2020
| Energy Efficiency

The study focuses on mapping of MSME sub-sectors - 'Chemical' from energy perspective. It involves an in-depth study of existing energy consumption scenario and identification of opportunities for energy/resource saving. The study results will be used for knowledge dissemination and development of a roadmap to make Chemical MSME sub-sectors in the country energy- as well as resource-efficient, and environment-friendly.