
Decentralisation, awareness focus areas for waste management in Panaji

09 Jul 2019
| The Goan

Following a citizen perception survey, a team of TERI and German government agency GIZ has concluded that decentralization and creating awareness of the solid waste management laws among stakeholders including residents is the way forward to establish a sustainable solid waste management system for Panaji, Goa.

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Chandrayaan-2 launch vehicle to be moved to launchpad by Sunday

05 Jul 2019
| The Hindu

Delivering the convocation address, Dr Ajay Mathur, Director-General, TERI, urged the space sector to take up the challenge of developing affordable electricity storage, through which electricity generated in daytime could be stored for use at night.

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Electric Vehicles: As Government Pushes For Faster E-Mobility Adoption, Auto Industry Raises Concern Over The Rush

03 Jul 2019
| NDTV Swachh India
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Government rolls out plan to save water, says it will be a mass movement

02 Jul 2019
| The Indian Express

The government has commissioned a study through TERI to look at the massive water consuming industries such as steel, cement, power, and prescribe benchmarks for each.

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Powering the Ghats

01 Jul 2019
| Renewable Watch

Project team has developed a hybrid solar charging model that ensures continuous flow of electricity to the looms.

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Now an app to reduce energy consumption! Yamuna Power to guide users on saving electricity

28 Jun 2019
| The Financial Express

The mobile application ‘Susthome’, developed by BYPL and TERI will help in tracking energy consumption patterns and will help understand the usage pattern and bring the behavioral change in how consumers use electricity.

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BSES partners TERI, Panasonic, CEEW for Demand Side Management

28 Jun 2019
| ET Energy World

The app will track a consumer's energy consumption patterns, analyse them, compare them to that of similar homes in the vicinity and show the energy saving potential.

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Now an app to reduce energy consumption! Yamuna Power to guide users on saving electricity

28 Jun 2019
| The Financial Express

The mobile application 'Susthome', developed by BYPL and TERI will help in tracking energy consumption patterns and will help understand the usage pattern and bring the behavioral change in how consumers use electricity.

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TERI to audit handling of garbage by east, south corporations

22 Jun 2019
| The Times of India

The south and east corporations have decided to engage TERI to assess the volume of garbage collected in their areas, its disposal and the discrepancies in the implementation of the solid waste management rules.

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2-year-old leopard, stuck in power cables in Gurugram, electrocuted to death

21 Jun 2019
| Hindustan Times

Dr Pia Sethi, TERI, pointed out that the Ministry of Environment Forests'guidelines for laying transmission lines through forest areas need to be followed so as to avoid a repeat of such situations. According to the guidelines, revised in 2016, the minimum distance between an electrical conductor and a tree needs to be at least 2.6 metres, whereas, in the case of the incident, the power line which killed the leopard was running directly through the tree.

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