
Energy transition: Hydrogen use in India's energy mix can grow 10 times by 2050

10 Jun 2020
| Energy Infra Post

The potential scale of hydrogen use in India is huge and can increase in a range between 3 times and 10 times by 2050, facilitating the transition to a carbon neutral economy, according to TERI.

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Energy transition: Hydrogen use in India's energy mix can grow 10 times by 2050

10 Jun 2020
| Energy Infra Post

The potential scale of hydrogen use in India is huge and can increase in a range between 3 times and 10 times by 2050, facilitating the transition to a carbon neutral economy, according to TERI.

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OIL appoints consultant to study environmental impact of gas well blowout in Assam

07 Jun 2020
| The Hindu

OIL has engaged TERI for bio-remediation for impact of blowout on environment and site assessment was carried out jointly by officials from TERI and OIL.

The Hindu

Need To Conserve Biodiversity By Conserving Water Resources

05 Jun 2020
| Smart Water & Waste World

One of the world's toughest lockdowns against the coronavirus, which has caused nearly 217,000 infections and more than 6,000 deaths in India, kept out most of the industrial waste that normally clogs the Yamuna. That was the key reason for the better water quality, said Mr Anshuman Jaiswal, TERI.

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Green thrust to economic recovery

02 Jun 2020
| The Hindu Business Line

With regard to the renewable energy sector, as and when the domestic market opens in a post-Covid scenario, a substantial downward revision in the trajectory for demand growth is expected, along with a slower growth rate. According to Dr Ajay Mathur, Director-General, TERI. this will impact the required trajectory of generation capacity expansion, in order to meet demand growth. There was already had a situation of overcapacity in the thermal (read coal) sector prior to Covid, which led to

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COVID-19 Scare: 61 Per Cent Commuters Won't Take Mumbai Locals Any Time Soon

29 May 2020
| Mid Day

According to TERI, the urban transportation landscape is likely to undergo significant changes due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

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An electrifying future for power plants

27 May 2020
| EPR Magazine

According to Mr A K Saxena, Senior Director, Electricity and Fuels Division, TERI, delicensing of generation in 2003 and demand projections kindled interest of developers in generating capacity addition. There was a spurt in the capacity addition during the 10th and 11th Five Year Plan. During the last few years, the generation capacity is far in excess of demand which can be met economically. It certainly puts a pressure on the financial performance of the generating companies.

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An electrifying future for power plants

27 May 2020
| EPR Magazine
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Public transport usage to see decline after Covid-19 outbreak ends: Study

19 May 2020
| Hindustan Times

A perception study, based on a survey across 51 cities in the country from April 7 to 26 by TERI, revealed that 35% commuters are likely to change their mode of transport for work after the outbreak ends.

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Climate collaborators

09 May 2020
| Business Standard

Some of the biggest names in Indian philanthropy have teamed up with researchers and more to craft an India-specific response to the climate crisis. More than 40 stakeholders, including TERI, have joined this growing collaboration.

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Emissions set for a record fall due to Covid-19 this year. But it’s not a good sign

01 May 2020
| The Hindustan Times

Experts said that Covid-19 comes with an important opportunity. While countries are facing a public health crisis in the near-term, the world has an opportunity to show resilient character in how it deals with the issues of climate change in the long term, said Mr Karan Mangotra, Associate Director, TERI.

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The Future of Electric Vehicles May Ride on Two Wheels

25 Apr 2020
| The Wall Street Journal

Electric motorcycles and scooters could soon have their moment in India, China and other emerging markets, according to projections from TERI.

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