
Mountain of waste' at Kedarnath: It is an ecological disaster and lack of civic sense, says Dr Suneel Pandey

22 May 2022
| The Economic Times

Dr Suneel Pandey, Director, Environment and Waste Management Division, TERI, spoke about the unsustainable waste disposal at Kedarnath.

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Why reducing size of Delhi’s garbage mountains is easier said than done

04 May 2022
| The Indian Express

While remediating landfills, waste processing infrastructure needs to be strengthened so that no organic waste reaches the landfill site, said Dr Suneel Pandey, Director of the Environment and Waste Management Division, TERI.

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Only 8-10% e-waste disposed of properly in Kolkata

29 Mar 2022
| The Telegraph

A small portion of the e-waste generated in the city is disposed through organised channels while the majority is sold through unorganised channels where the dismantling of the waste exposes the handlers and others to hazardous elements. According to Dr Suneel Pandey, Director at the Environment and Waste Management Division of TERI, said that many prefer to sell their used electronic devices in local markets, which give a better return for the products.

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Tackling the integrated challenge of plastic pollution and climate change

11 Jan 2022
| Mongabay

In April 2021, TERI's roadmap proposed a circular plastic value chain to address the problem of both plastic pollution and greenhouse emissions.

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Like Japan and Singapore, why doesn’t India burn plastic waste to produce energy?

04 Jan 2022

Coprocessing has been marred by many cost issues. Typically, the quality and quantity of municipal waste is not optimal for RDF. So, cement plants need to spend money on pre-processing waste to make it useful. Transportation is also an issue, says Mr Kaushik Chandrasekhar, a solid waste management expert from TERI

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The cost of plastic waste

30 Dec 2021
| Mongabay India

Coprocessing has been marred by many cost issues. Typically, the quality and quantity of municipal waste is not optimal for RDF. So, cement plants need to spend money on pre-processing waste to make it useful. Transportation is also an issue, says Mr Kaushik Chandrasekhar, a solid waste management expert from TERI.

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New advanced oxidation technology can enhance waste water reuse at lower cost

25 Aug 2021
| Outlook

TERI has developed a technology called the Advanced Oxidation Technology or TADOX which can reduce less dependence and load on biological and tertiary treatment systems and help achieve zero liquid discharge.

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Trash turns into treasure in new plastic economy

07 Aug 2021
| Sunday Guardian

According to the study by TERI, out of the total polymer consumption of 16.8 million tonnes per annum in 2018-19, 90% was for plastic and the remaining 10% was for non-plastic consumption. From the total plastic waste generated, about 60% is actually recycled, 8.5% reutilized for energy recovery and repurposing, and about 31.5% is mismanaged plastic waste.

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E-waste: A Growing Problem

30 May 2021
| Business Today

According to Dr Suneel Pandey, Director, Environment & Waste Management division, TERI, even as legislation and rules have come a long way and evolved over time, bringing smaller players under the extended producer responsibility (EPR) net is a challenge and that is where the government needs to work on an incentive mechanism.

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In Last Seven Months, India Generated Around 33,000 Tonnes COVID-19 Waste, Maharashtra Biggest Contributor: Report

12 Jan 2021
| Swachh India NDTV

According to Mr Sourabh Manuja, Fellow, Centre for Waste Management, Environment & Waste Management Division at TERI, our cities need appropriate training and capacity building along with the infrastructure to manage the bio-medical waste they generate, including domestic hazardous waste.

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'Waste Nama' will write a new version of clean India, know what is the plan for the city of Varanasi

29 Oct 2020
| Jagran

According to TERI, which is actively involved in solid waste management at Varanasi, the Solid Waste Emissions Estimation Tool (SWEET) is being used for emissions estimates for Varanasi as well as Panaji under the Varanasi Waste NAMA programme.

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Manoeuvring Environmental Challenges with Tech-Based Solutions, Policies

23 Oct 2019
| BW Smart Cities

TERI is working to develop and implement technology solutions, emerging from national policies, to address the adverse impact energy use and waste management on the environment, shared Dr Suneel Pandey, Director, Environment and Waste Management Division, TERI, in an interview.

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