
COP28 delivered but what happens in the next COP will matter

18 Jan 2024
| The Week

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), hosted a discussion on the outcomes of COP28 and way forward for COP29 on 16 January 2024. In the opening remarks, Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, emphasized the need to prioritize the initiatives necessary to be undertaken between the COPs, stating the urgent need for action on decisions. Mr RR Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, highlighted some of the key decisions made at COP28, including decisions made on the Loss and Damage Fund, the

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COP28 deal promises to 'transition away' from fossil fuels but finance and equity concerns remain

14 Dec 2023
| Mongabay India

There's nothing available within the system to support the actions and ambition proposed in the global stocktake said Mr R. R. Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow and Programme Director, TERI.

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COP28 exposes the long arms of the oil and gas lobby

13 Dec 2023
| Outlook

The decision highlights the need for orderly and just transition in all energy systems, but singles out the need of phasing down unabated coal plants. This tilts it against the developing countries says Mr RR Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

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COP28 Dubai races against time to broker climate deal as negotiations enter last day

12 Dec 2023
| News 18

The text on GST at this stage is merely a collection of multiple options on actions for mitigation, adaptation and financing. It lacks clear recommendations on the extent by which developed countries should reduce their emissions consistent with global goal. It needs a lot of work to bring target oriented focus on adaptation and financing. For a change, it includes a language on prevention of unilateral trade actions which is welcome, said RR Rashmi, Distinguished fellow, TERI.

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COP28 Diary (December 8): Text on adaptation by December 11; new text on GST released

09 Dec 2023
| Down to Earth

Mr Manish Kumar Srivastava from TERI highlighted the issue of Medium and Small Scale industries in the Global South and the scale of their challenge which is still out of discussions on industrial decarbonisation. He also highlighted that in India even the decarbonisation technology with technology readiness levels of 8 and 9 are unable to get finance. He mentioned the example of Dalmia Cement in India which announced a CCUS project back in 2019 but has not been able get financers on

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TERI launches policy briefs on Green Budgeting and Internationalising Lifestyles for Sustainable Development at COP28

07 Dec 2023
| TheCSRUniverse

On the Energy thematic day at COP28, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) launched two policy briefs on Green Budgeting and Internationalizing Lifestyles for Sustainable Development at its event on 'Just Energy Transitions and SDGs: Tools and Enablers'. The event was organized in collaboration with the TERI School of Advanced Studies (TERI SAS), the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), and the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO). The discussions focused on tools to

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TERI Drives Climate Action Discourse at COP28 with Unprecedented IPCC Insight and Industry Solutions from the AR6 Report

05 Dec 2023

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) organized a first-of-its-kind panel discussion at the Climate Live Pavilion during COP28, focusing on the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and its relevance for India. Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, commenced her welcome address, reflecting on the longstanding historic association between TERI and IPCC. She credited the integration of 'sustainability' into the ethos of every 'TERI-ite' to

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COP28 Climate Summit | Global Stocktake draft calls for phasing out fossil fuels

05 Dec 2023
| The Hindu

Negotiators say that COP 28's location in the UAE, a petro state, has influenced language in the document, whose draft text includes a clause committing to an orderly and just phase out of fossil fuels. The text as it stands now is too large, vague and lacks clear language on how countries should report their progress and goals said Ms Suruchi Bhadwal, Senior Fellow and associate editor at The Energy Resources Institute.

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Innovation, Regulation and Awareness – Dr Vibha Dhawan of TERI

01 Dec 2023
| Industrial Economist

Dr Vibha Dhawan's association with TERI dates back to 1985. Her interests also rest in environment and sustainability research and she was instrumental in establishing the highly successful Micropropagation Technology Park at TERI. Her other major achievements include developing e-contents for the post-graduate programme in biotechnology for the University Grants Commission. In this interview with IE (Industrial Economist), she highlights the need for industry to innovate, government

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India unlikely to commit on fossil fuel and methane cut at COP-28 summit

30 Nov 2023
| Deccan Herald

While the Union Environment Ministry remained tight-lipped on India’s strategies, the Ministry of External Affairs had earlier stated that New Delhi would carry forward its G20 agenda for the climate summit for the benefit of the global south. Mr R R Rashmir, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, Delhi said global stocktake was an opportunity for the world to realise that setting long-term goals alone would not save the planet.

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Road to Dubai: TERI knowledge documents highlight imperatives for the Global South on adaptation and energy transitions ahead of COP28

30 Nov 2023
| APN News

Researchers at The Energy and Resources Institute launched two crucial policy briefs ahead of the much anticipated 28th Conference of the Parties scheduled from November 30 to December 12, 2023 at Dubai, UAE. The policy brief titled 'Road to Dubai and The Global Goal on Adaption' reviewed the discussions around the GGA framework to provide perspectives on what could be a robust, equitable, and flexible outcome of the GGA process at COP28. The outcome on GGA will be a key determinant of

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COP28: Should you expect anything earth-shaking?

29 Nov 2023
| Mint

COP28 might witness only iteration for higher ambition and action in terms of Global Stocktake there will not be any earth-shaking or spectacular announcements but an analysis of the report. Some targets or framework decisions might be adopted but little in terms of actual finance mobilization says Mr RR Rashmi, Distinguish Fellow TERI.

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