
TERI, GCCA sign pact to accelerate sustainable development of cement & concrete sectors

20 Aug 2021
| ET Realty

In an endeavour to achieve India's commitment to reduce carbon emissions, TERI and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) India announced the signing of MoU to accelerate sustainable development of cement and concrete sectors.

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Heavy rains across India: Impact of climate change?

19 Jul 2021
| Times Now

With torrential rains and wildfires observed across the globe recently, are we beginning to see a heightened impact of climate change? ET NOW takes a deep dive on the matter with Rishi Agarwal, Mumbai Sustainability Centre, Avantika Goswami, Climate Change, CSE, Saurabh Bhardwaj, Fellow and Area Convener at the Center of Climate Modelling, TERI and G.P Sharma, President Of Meteorology, Skymet.

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Economic Cost of Cyclones: How Can India Minimize the Mounting Losses of Tauktae, Amphan?

05 Jun 2021
| News18

In a recent interview Mr Saurabh Bhardwaj, Fellow and Area Convener, at Centre for Climate Modelling, TERI, explained the increasing erraticism of cyclone systems and ways to mitigate the impact of cyclones, thereby reducing economic losses.

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Why We Need International Climate Change Litigations to Make Countries, Corporates Accountable

05 Jun 2021
| News18

Dr Souvik Bhattacharjya, Associate Director at the Resource Efficiency and Governance Division in TERI, pointed out that the Paris Agreement not only serves as a legal reference point in several domestic climate change litigations but is also a legally binding agreement in itself.

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Has Climate Change Impacted Past and Present Pandemics?

05 Jun 2021
| News18

Many of the root causes of climate change also increase the risk of pandemics. Dr Souvik Bhattacharjya, Associate Director at the Resource Efficiency and Governance Division in TERI, said that when forests or natural habitats are destroyed, they can result in an outbreak of diseases.

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Climate change forces Uttarakhand farmers to migrate

17 May 2021
| The Third Pole

According to recent study by the Germany-based Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and TERI, populations of some higher-altitude districts in Uttarakhand have already dropped.

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Rising temperature detrimental to India's manufacturing output: Study

27 Mar 2021
| Gaon Connection

A recent study has stated that the hill districts of Uttarakhand are at a greater risk from rising temperatures which is expected to result in forced migration of the local people. The study, conducted by Germany-based Potsdam Institute for Climate Research (PIK) and India's TERI, focuses on how climate change impacts, such as rising temperatures, increasing glacial melt, and changing rainfall patterns, could affect livelihoods and thereby shape migration patterns in the hill state.

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चिंताजनक रिपोर्ट: 1.9 डिग्री तक बढ़ जायेगा उत्तराखंड का तापमान, भारी बारिश लाएगी चमोली जैसी अनेकों आपदाएं

26 Mar 2021
| अमर उजाला

जर्मनी की पोस्टडैम इंस्टीट्यूट फॉर क्लाइमेट रिसर्च (PIK) और देश द एनर्जी एंड रिसोर्सेज इंस्टीट्यूट (TERI) के एक संयुक्त शोध में यह बात सामने आई है कि ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के तमाम कारकों के कारण उत्तराखंड के तापमान में 1.6 डिग्री से 1.9 डिग्री तक की बढ़ोतरी हो सकती है।

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Is 'dynamic' Paris Agreement proving enough to combat climate change?

14 Dec 2020
| China Dialogue

Dr Ajay Mathur, Indian negotiator in Paris, Director-General of TERI and member of the Prime Minister's council on climate change, points to the Indian Nationally Determined Contribution - the country's Paris pledge - that at least 40% of electricity generation capacity would be non-fossil fuels by 2030.

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Indian government forms national panel to drive Paris Agreement goals

02 Dec 2020
| Mongabay

The Government of India has formed a national-level committee for a coordinated approach to pursue the country’s climate change goals under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Mr R. R. Rashmi, a former senior climate change negotiator and Distinguished Fellow, TERI, believes that this panel will encourage inter-sectoral exchanges through a formal platform and help the government in deciding its approach to updating or enhancing the NDCs, on which a decision has to be taken before the next CoP.

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