Enenterprise for sustainable livelihoods
May 16, 2005 to August 31, 2009
| Completed Project
The project funded by the National Medicinal Plants Board, Government of India, envisages to establish herbal gardens in TERI, Supi, and Gual Pahari as regional resource centres of learning, wherein there is authentic and thorough documentation available of the natural and cultural heritage of the region relating to medicinal plants.
Films on energy and environment for Air India's in-flight programming
May 2, 2005 to March 31, 2008
| Completed Project
The short films for Air India's in-flight programming will be made with the objective of creating awareness and infotainment for travelers on issues of energy and environment. The films should project Air India as an environment-friendly airline. They must depict India's indigenous wealth of natural resources and knowledge.
Impact assessment of gasifier-based dyeing ovens
May 2, 2005 to February 28, 2007
| Completed Project
The main objective is to carry out an impact assessment study of gasifier-based silk dyeing oven and prepare a document. This will be based on technical, economic, and social impact assessments.
Field validation and product formulation of AMF bio inoculant with particular reference to low-input wheat-rice and wheat-pulse cropping systems
May 1, 2005 to February 23, 2008
| Completed Project
The objectives are: (1) Maintenance of gene pools of AMF for their further exploitation. Parallel task will be undertaken by GBPUAT for PGPR. (2) Development of axenic in vitro cultures of LL2 and ZTL isolates, which are the most-efficient AMF isolates selected from already conducted field trials, microcosms, in vitro and trap cultures.
Study on gas pricing of PPN Power Generating Company
April 29, 2005 to January 31, 2006
| Completed Project
The objective of the project is to advise the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board on the price of natural gas that PPN Power Generating Company is to purchase from the PY-1 field of HOEC (Hindustan Oil Exploration Company).
Mobilizing youth for water conservation (MY WATER)
April 25, 2005 to March 29, 2006
| Completed Project
Under this project rooftop rainwater harvesting systems will be constructed in five schools in Bangalore and awareness on water conservation is being created among students in thirteen schools.
Sensitization on water pollution and conservation
April 7, 2005 to May 25, 2006
| Completed Project
The project aims to sensitize and educate students on issues related to water resource management. The target group identified will be school children from public and government schools, teachers, and associated communities. The project is being introduced in 30 schools from south and east Delhi.
Taxonomy capacity building project
April 1, 2005 to February 28, 2007
| Completed Project
to be given by PI
Field trial of paraffin degrading bacterial consortium in selected wells
April 1, 2005 to December 17, 2006
| Completed Project
The objective of the project is to test the effectiveness of developed paraffin degrading bacteria in paraffin deposition in oil wells.