Bioremediation of oily sludge at Barauni Refinery
November 1, 2004 to August 26, 2006
| Completed Project
Barauni refinery is located in the eastern part of the country and generate oily sludge containing various hazardous petroleum hydrocarbons. The aim of project is bioremediation of 5000 MT (million tonnes) of oily sludge by using Oilivorous-S. The total 5000 MT oily sludge would be treated in four batches.
In the pursuit of sustainable development - An interstate discussion at DSDS 2005 - 2 Feb. 2005
November 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005
| Completed Project
Workshop on Power supply to Agricultural sector - 10 November 2004, held at Hyderabad
November 1, 2004 to May 11, 2005
| Completed Project
The variations in the monsoon pattern as well as the competitive pressures due to globalisation have placed Indian farmers under greater stress. In this context, the issue of pricing power to agriculture has assumed enormous significance particularly when seen in light of the poor economic status of the farmers.
Non-energy use and CO2 emission - Phase III
October 15, 2004 to November 5, 2010
| Completed Project
The objectives are to (1) pool and analyse information on materials with completed pathways for production, use, and waste management such as solvents and lubricants; (2) draw conclusions about recommended activity indicators and emission factors based on comparative analyses; (3) create an increased awareness of the need for the harmonization of definitions of non-energy use in energy balances.
Decentralised management of rural energy interventions: building capacities of Panchayati Raj institutions
October 5, 2004 to February 28, 2007
| Completed Project
The objective of the project is to build capacities of PRIs (Panchayati Raj Institutions) for promotion of energy efficiency, supply, and conservation in the rural areas. The focus would be on building their (PRIs) capacities to assess and plan for energy needs of communities and supervise and manage rural energy projects.
Energy-efficient common lighting in Dwarka
October 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007
| Completed Project
The objectives are (1) to map out the existing lighting infrastructure in selected locations in Dwarka, (2) to assess the efficiencies of existing lighting systems in these locations, (3) to identify options for improving lighting system efficiencies, (4) to recommend appropriate technologies based on their cost-effectiveness in the context of replicability in Dwarka.
Global Opportunities Fund: Climate and Energy
October 1, 2004 to July 31, 2007
| Completed Project
The project focuses on undertaking three case studies in different agro-climatic zones, such as Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, and Karnataka, for the development of a common framework through which the local variation/nuances in energy planning, energy access, and use at the regional/micro level can be factored into the national planning process.
Commercialisation of renewable energy and energy efficient technololgies in India
October 1, 2004 to April 30, 2007
| Completed Project
TERI launched a project Commercialization of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies in rural India, funded by British High Commission, to create a sustainable market for solar photovoltaic technologies in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Implementing community-based decentralized system of safe drinking water supply in India
October 1, 2004 to October 18, 2006
| Completed Project
India is a water-stressed country and by the year 2025, it might fall in the category of water-scarce countries (Ministry of Water Resources, 2004). According to the World Health Organization, almost two-thirds of the global population without access to improved and safe water supply lives in Asia. Of this, about 25% live in India.
Estimation of technical losses in CESC area corresponding to 2004/05
October 1, 2004 to November 10, 2005
| Completed Project
The representative sample size for estimating energy losses would be finalized mutually between TERI and CESC Ltd. As per the scope, the following sample size has been agreed. (1) All 132-kV systems up to and including 33/6 kV system of CESC. (2) Twenty-four outgoing 11/6 kV feeders and all 6/0.4 kV transformers on the identified feeders. (3) Twenty distribution transformers.