
Competence network for small and micro enterprises - glass

January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project

This component deals with activities in the glass sector and is part of the TERI-SDC partnership programme Competence Network for Small and Micro Enterprises. The overall objective of the programme is increased adoption of resource-efficient technologies amongst targeted end-users, with special focus on small and micro enterprises.

Mainstreaming of thermal gasifier systems

January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project

The objective is to promote thermal gasifier technology in select clusters of namkeen- and koya-making industries and customizing the product to suit the selected application. The activities will be sustained by the selection of suitable LSPs (local service providers). With due capacity-building, the manufacturer and LSP would able to promote the market and take care of operation and maintenance.

TERI-SDC Partnership - new phase (January 2005 - December 2008)

January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project

TERI has been one of the strategic partners of SDC since 1994. TERI and SDC have partnered in diverse research areas ranging from energy efficiency improvements in small-scale industries to global climate change. Continuous informal exchanges, openness and flexibility have been the hallmarks of the partnership.

Competence network for small and micro enterprises - foundry

January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project

This component deals with activities in the foundry sector and is part of the TERI-SDC partnership programme Competence Network for Small and Micro Enterprises. The overall objective of the programme is increased adoption of resource-efficient technologies amongst targeted end-users, with special focus on small and micro enterprises.

Competence network for small and micro enterprises - brick

January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project

This component deals with activities in the brick sector and is part of the TERI-SDC partnership programme Competence Network for Small and Micro Enterprises. The overall objective of the programme is increased adoption of resource efficient technologies amongst targeted end-users with special focus on small and micro enterprises.

GNESD Access III - Energy Access: Policy Implementation Phase

December 21, 2004 to December 21, 2005
| Completed Project

This is the third phase of GNESD access theme. During the Policy Research and Dissemination Phases (I and II), developing country centres of the GNESD 'Energy Access' Working Group assessed the impact of power sector reforms on the poor and proposed policy options and recommendations for improving the poor's access to electricity services.

Time series study on air pollution and mortality in Delhi - public health and air pollution in Asian cities

December 20, 2004 to November 30, 2007
| Completed Project

Considering the significance of the problem of particulate emission and lack of scientific evidence on health effects of particulate matter in developing countries, a study to assess the relationship between air pollution and mortality in Delhi was initiated by a multidisciplinary team comprising researchers from TERI, VP Chest Institute, and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

Unlocking oppertunities for forest dependent people - 4 December 2004

November 29, 2004 to February 24, 2005
| Completed Project

Moving to a production-based tax incentive for electricity from renewable energy

November 26, 2004 to July 31, 2005
| Completed Project

Information dissemination for rural community through ICTs

November 1, 2004 to November 15, 2006
| Completed Project

The objective of the project is to develop knowledge/service-delivery systems, using ICT (information and communication technology) as a tool. The mechanism will involve participation of the local community in forming the knowledge base and then disseminating the created and distilled information to a larger audience utilizing modern, appropriate, and feasible technologies.