Completed Projects
Possible Impacts of relatively severe climate change
September 1, 2008 to
March 16, 2010
A1Fi storylines looks into the higher range of emissions and therefore relates to severe impacts. This study seeks to carry out an assessment of these impacts over North India and seeks to suggest measures that help close the feedback loops.Income generation activity for SHG women in rural areas through conservation of biomass and promotion of Biomass Gas Stoves (BGS's) for small commercial applications
November 10, 2008 to
March 4, 2010
The major goal of the project is to promote fuel efficient energy devices in rural sector. We proposed two major approaches: i) promotion of BGS for small enterprises in rural areas; and ii) involving Self Help Groups (SHGs) for cutting and supplying sized biomass to the BGSs.Third Indo-Japan Energy Forum
December 1, 2009 to
February 28, 2010
Building on the success of the first two India–Japan Energy Forums, TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), India and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), Japan have decided to organize the 3rd India–Japan Energy Forum on 15–16 February 2010 in New Delhi. The earlier editions of the Forum, held in December 2006 and February 2008, focused on issues related to the respective national policies on energy, energy conservation, and climate change. Representatives fromResearch on key issues in climate change negotiations
December 1, 2006 to
February 28, 2010
The project provids inputs and assist the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India on issues in climate change negotiations by review of the 4th National Communication of Annex I countries and the progress with their emission reduction commitments, looking in scientific and technological aspects in climate change mitigation and adaptation as covered in the forthcoming IPCC AR4. The project also give an analysis of issues and options in long-term cooperative action to address climate change and post 2012 arrangements.Carbon footprint of urban population
July 1, 2008 to
February 28, 2010
TERI has developed a methodological framework to estimate the carbon footprint of urban energy use. This framework is being applied in two cities (one Indian and one Chinese city) to estimate their urban household energy footprint in terms of carbon equivalent emissionsConference on Biopesticides: Stakeholders’ Perspectives during 26-30 April, 2009, New Delhi
December 1, 2008 to
February 16, 2010
TERI in collaboration with Society forPromotion and Innovation of Biopesticides is organizing Fifth
International Conference on Biopesticides: Stakeholders’ Perspectives from
April 26-30, 2009 at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The
Conference envisages addressing the fundamental and applied research on
various aspects of biopesticides in pest and disease management in
agriculture, forestry, public health and the urban landscape. The
Conference will provide a common platform to the stakeholders from India
International workshop on Communiity Rights, Forests and Climate Change (New Delhi, India - August 17, 2009 - August 18, 2009
August 15, 2009 to
January 31, 2010
TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute, India) and RRI (Rights and Resources Initiative, USA), with support from DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK), are organizing an international workshop on “Community Rights, Forests, and Climate Change” from August 17-18, 2009 in New Delhi. This workshop aims to facilitate a dialogue among countries in the South on the issues of community rights in the context of forestry and climate change.Technology demonstration for enhancing productivity of bamboo plantations through improved silvicultural practices in Rajasthan
July 1, 2005 to
January 31, 2010
The objective of the project is to demonstrate how improved management practices in bamboo plantations can result in higher productivity. The project activities include the use of colour coding marking system to demonstrate the production of uniformly high quality matured bamboo culms from the plantation and documentation of the management practices for enhancing productivity to facilitate further replication. The project will be executed in close coordination with the local staff of RFD (Rajasthan Forest Department).Facilitating municipal solid waste management through training and awareness programmes
May 1, 2008 to
January 31, 2010
The goal of this project is to `motivate and solicit the participation of various stakeholders in municipal waste management? The specific objectives are:o TEXT
o To share and communicate information to the various stakeholder groups regarding the importance waste reduction and segregation at source TEXT
o To motivate policy makers to adopt and implement an effective waste management policy TEXT
To motivate different stakeholders to participate in waste management through reduction and segregation of waste at source