TERI celebrates World Environment Day 2018

As India officially hosts World Environment Day this year, TERI will be hosting and engaging in several activities meant for a varied group of stakeholders - policymakers, corporates, the youth, and the civil society at large. In association with Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, United Nations Environment Programme and several other industry partners, TERI will be exchanging ideas and formulating steps to #BeatPlasticPollution.
Given below are the details of the activities:
Sustainable Lifestyles towards enhancing Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy
2nd June, 2018 | Vigyan Bhavan, Hall No-06, Rajpath Road, Central Secretariat, New Delhi | Mr Souvik Bhattacharjya
Launch of TERI's Consortium on Waste-Proofing the Future
2nd June, 2018 | Vigyan Bhavan, Hall No-06, Rajpath Road, Central Secretariat, New Delhi | Mr Albert Neil Trevor
Smart Cities and Urban Landscapes
3rd June, 2018 | Vigyan Bhavan, Hall No-6, Rajpath Road, Central Secretariat, New Delhi | Ms Raina Singh
EnviroQuiz contest under ongoing ENVIS initiative
3rd June 2018 | Venue: Exhibition Area, Vigyan Bhawan, Rajpath Road, Central Secretariat, New Delhi | Ms Pallavi Shukla
TERI Exhibition
1st-4th June, 2018 | Hangar 2, Stall no. 2, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi
Press Release

MoEFCC, TERI, and UNEP strategize the roadmap to ‘Urban Sustainability’ this World Environment Day
New Delhi, June 3, 2018
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TERI and MoEFCC launch initiatives to enhance resource efficiency and reduce, reuse and recycle plastic waste
New Delhi, June 2, 2018
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Know more about waste management

Waste recycling issues and opportunities
With about 15,342 tonnes of plastic waste generated per day, what are the solutions for clearing our landfills and managing this waste, while further strengthening our economy?
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