SAP joins TERI Business Council

18 Apr 2023 18 Apr 2023
Arupendra Nath Mullick
SAP joins TERI Business Council

On April 18, 2023, Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI convened a CEO breakfast roundtable meeting along with Mr Paul Marriott, President, SAP Asia Pacific Japan, Dr. Lovneesh Chanana, Vice President & Head of Government Affairs (Asia Pacific and Japan), SAP ASIA Pte Ltd and Mr Kulmeet Bawa, President, and Managing Director, SAP Indian Subcontinent. SAP announced its formal association with TERI Council for Business Sustainability. TERI Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for TERI’s research work to be connected to the corporate world. The Council recognizes and promotes sustainability leadership practices.

Attended by senior representatives of Indian industry, the roundtable discussions emphasized that the efforts to achieve environmentally sustainable economic development largely depend on technological innovation and its adoption at scale. Technology can help in measuring and increasing productivity, offering efficiency and cost-savings, reducing product waste, chemicals, and resources, and analyzing and tracking progress, all of which can help minimize the negative impact on the environment. In light of the recently launched IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), it is imperative that all stakeholders align with sustainable pathways to mitigate and adapt to the adverse effects of the ongoing climate crisis. The AR6 warns that the world is approaching irreversible levels of global heating, with catastrophic impacts rapidly becoming inevitable. Businesses are an important entity in the overall response process for climate action. On the one hand, it requires the ramping up of decarbonization; on the other, it requires them to adapt and address the physical risks and vulnerabilities that are posed by climate change.

SAP India and TERI have a long-term MoU to mutually support India’s larger sustainability agenda. The program will aim to achieve sustainability in all aspects of operations, service delivery, and governance across key industries, societies, and government.