Expert Group Roundtable Meeting on Financing India’s Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies

19 Oct 2023 19 Oct 2023

A roundtable discussion focused on Financing India’s Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies is being held on 19 October 2023 from 3 PM to 6 PM, in association with the All India Association of Industries. The roundtable meeting shall deliberate upon the Economic and Financial Aspects of Low-Carbon pathways for select/all transitions identified in the LT-LCDS with a specific focus on identifying innovative financial instruments and knowledge sharing.

The direction of India’s developmental strategy as well as climate policy now is being guided by the Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategy. Launched at the Sharm-El-Sheikh COP last year, it offers the framework within which these economic and policy choices are to be made. The LT-LCDS has identified seven key areas of transition necessary for achieving the Net-Zero goal. These include:


1. Low carbon development of electricity system consistent with enhanced development benefits.

2. Develop an integrated, efficient, inclusive low-carbon transport system.

3. Promoting adaptation in urban design, energy and material-efficiency in buildings, and sustainable urbanization.

4. Promote economy-wide decoupling of growth from emissions and development of an efficient, innovative low-emission industrial system.

5. CO2 removal and related engineering solutions.

6. Enhancement of forest and vegetative cover consistent with socio-economic and ecological considerations.

7. Economic and financial aspects of low-carbon development.

The LT-LCDS is categorical in underlining the necessity to consider “the economic and financial aspects of low-carbon development pathways” across the other six areas of transition. The section elaborating on the economic and financial aspects of low-carbon development pathways in the LT-LCDS document offers a broad blueprint for possible areas of research, deliberation, and further recommendations. Certainly, each of the identified transitions needs to be supported by their own chapters on the economic and financial aspects. There is a need for ideating on meaningful innovative financial instruments and policies.

The said Expert Group will deliberate upon the various financial instruments and their viability in the specific transition context as identified by the LT-LCDS. This will also be a platform for sustained high-level dialogue among key stakeholders. The roundtable discussion on 19 October would seek inputs/perspectives from Indian industry representatives.


Shweta Pillai                                    Sangeeta Jain

Associate Fellow                          Senior Director    

91 9049930775                          91 22 2201 9265/2201 9160

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Business sustainability
Carbon emissions
Carbon intensity
Certified emission reductions
Clean Energy Technologies
Energy policies
Energy transitions