COP29 Compass Dialogue on Sustainable Lifestyles
AgendaCOP29 Compass DialogueConcept NoteFraming PresentationEvent Summary
Panel Discussion: Sustainable Lifestyles and Climate Justice
Following the adoption of Agenda 21, the landmark outcome document from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), global attention has increasingly centred on the pressing issue of unsustainable production and consumption patterns.
In India, various initiatives such as the Green Credit Programme, ecolabels, Mission LiFE and circular economy initiatives work towards SDG 12 as well as climate action.
It is crucial to approach sustainable lifestyles by considering the resource value chains that include resource extraction, manufacturing, processing, use by consumers, and disposal.
In 2022, per capita carbon emissions of United States was 14.9 tonnes which is more than triple of the world average. In the context of climate justice and consumption, questions around overconsumption and underconsumption are key and need to be captured in global discourses.
With this background, TERI is organizing an Act4Earth Dialogue to deliberate and come forward with solutions for strengthening sustainable consumption to achieve the goals of climate justice.
Overarching questions for the roundtable discussions include:
[Question 1] What policy instruments support sustainable lifestyles?
[Question 2] What are the implications of sustainable consumption on climate justice?