Energy Transitions

ETC India

Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) India is a research platform based at the TERI headquarters in New Delhi. It is the Indian chapter of the global ETC, which is co-chaired by Lord Adair Turner and Dr Ajay Mathur, Former Director General, TERI.

ETC India initiated its activities in 2017-18 with a focus on the decarbonisation of India's power sector. Whilst that work continues, ETC India has also started to work on industry transition, particularly in the 'harder-to-abate' sectors with an initial focus on the iron and steel and cement sub-sectors.


Solar rooftops - the affordable renewable energy option

Installing a solar PV system offers multiple environmental and economic benefits

Solar rooftops: A Delhi neighbourhood takes the leap

Mr Shirish S Garud

Initiative: A 100 KW rooftop solar plant inaugurated in Dwarka, New Delhi as part of Solar City initiative by GIZ, BRPL, and TERI

Energy efficiency and renewables' share up, so is air pollution and untreated waste

Ms Aastha Manocha

Latest data in energy and environment paints a favourable picture of the status of renewable energy in India, energy supply and demand


How India’s taxi fleet can go electric

May 28, 2018
| Mr Ajay Shankar
| Hindustan Times

India has 14 of the 15 most-polluted cities in the world, says the latest World Health Organization report. One of the ways to clean up the air will be to go for emission free electric vehicles (EVs). By pushing EVs, like China has done, India could leapfrog to the next generation of motor transportation and a green economy. India has surplus electricity generation capacity and an additional 50,000 MW is in the pipeline. So electricity for EVs would not be a constraint. The technology for charging stations is available and the investment for setting up a charging station is modest.

Green funds will help make the benefits of clean energy a reality for India

April 11, 2018
| Dr Ajay Mathur
| The Hindustan Times

A green fund's mission is to promote the growth of a vibrant clean energy economy. As green funds typically reinvest their income, effectively recycling public funds, they can create a bigger market impact than government subsidies or incentives alone. Green fund investments demonstrate the viability of clean energy technologies or take some of the risk until the private sector is comfortable with the new technologies. In addition to direct lending, a true green fund offers financial products that help make commercial banks more comfortable with financing clean energy projects.

Expand the horizons of India's solar story

March 22, 2018
| Mr Amit Kumar
| The Hindustan Times

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) provides India with a golden opportunity to build on the country’s extensive experience on various facets of solar energy, from decentralised thermal applications to GW-sized solar parks. India needs to graduate to policies that facilitate and incentivise industry to acquire the latest technologies, state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment and economic scales of operation.
