Completed Projects
Vegetative and Micropropagation of Selected Clones of Seabuckthorn and Field Performance Evaluation in Arunachal Pradesh
February 15, 2009 to
January 19, 2013
The objectives of the project are:1/ Exploration of Seabuckthorn germplasm in Sikkim Himalayas
2/ Micropropagation prootcol development of superior genotypes
3/ Clonal Propagation through vegetative cuttings
4/ Field performance evaluation of selected clones in 5 ha area
Pro-poor mobility: Policy guidelines and Case studies
April 17, 2012 to
December 31, 2012
This project forms part of UH-HABITAT's GENUS Programme (Global Energy Network for Urban Settlements), which consists of three components (1) slum electrification; (2) waste to energy; and (3) pro-poor mobility. The main objectives of this project are to:
conduct a workshop with experts and stakeholders on informal transport in India;
conduct a research on at least 50 case-studies on pro-poor mobility solutions that have been implemented in various countries;
facilitate knowledge dissemination on pro-poor mobility.
Managing REEEP South Asia Secretariat 2012 -13
May 1, 2012 to
December 14, 2012
The REEEP South Asia Secretariat will be responsible for coordinating and facilitating REEEP activities in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The specific tasks are: (i)To undertake local need assessments and identify policy changes in the covered regions and identify local political and private sector opportunities for REEEP; (ii) Adopt Regional Action Plan according to the results of needs assessments; (iii) Carry out policy analysis and adopt SERN Database for all the covered regions.
Integrating New and Sustainable Technologies involving Elimination of Poverty: Business plan for four regions of Gujarat
August 8, 2011 to
December 7, 2012
The concept of Integrating New and Sustainable Technologies involving Elimination of Poverty (INSTEP) centre was developed by TERI with the objective of providing technologies and services to the rural community, where the community would be involved in planning, implementing and monitoring the functioning of the centre. VITO’s goal is to bring about a transition that will vitally strengthen the component of clean technologies in the rural development process through profitable and sustainable ventures.Environmental Fiscal Reforms in India: Where and How?
February 1, 2010 to
November 29, 2012
The project proposes to design EFR instruments for a selected set of environmental and resource management issues in India, taking into account several consideration such as efficiency and cost effectiveness of the instrument, its distributional and equity impacts, fiscal implications and also the administrative feasibility and flexibility.Orientation courses on solar charging stations for senior officials of the LWE-affected districts
July 13, 2012 to
November 24, 2012
TERI will be conducting 5 one day workshops for senior district officials of the 60 LWE affected districts. The objectives are to sensitize them on operational and economic aspects of solar charging station thereby enabling them to replicate similar models in LWE districts. The workshops will be held in Patna, Bhopal, Ranchi, Bhubhneshwar and Raipur.
Preparation of Toolkits under Sustainable Urban Transport Project of Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India
November 15, 2011 to
November 16, 2012
The Government of India (GoI) has initiated the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with the support from Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP and the World Bank. The objective of the project is to facilitate the provision of urban transport infrastructure and services in a manner that is consistent with sustainable environmental considerations and the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) of GoI. The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) has been appointed as the nodal agency for implementation of the project.Climate and Development Research Review
June 6, 2011 to
November 15, 2012
The 2011 Climate and Development Research Review is that it will provide an expert summary of the best research on key aspects of climate and development worldwide in a readable and informative format. This publication will be something that policy advisers will want to use and disseminate to colleagues, as essential background reading to support their decision making.Development of integrated genetic linkage map and marker assisted selection in tea
September 29, 2006 to
November 2, 2012
The proposal envisages to develop a molecular genetic linkage map in tea which can be used to help tea breeders in crossing and selection of progeny with desired combination of traits based on associated molecular markers.TERI-SDC interventions in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector
January 1, 2009 to
October 31, 2012
Goal and outcomesGoal
To improve the energy performance of the Indian MSME sector
Considering the different level and stages of the past work of TERI in the foundry, brick and glass sectors and the proposed level of involvement in the three sectors of intervention during the next three years, the project outcomes for the three sectors have been defined and given in the following table.
Foundry Brick Glass