Completed Projects
ITEC Training Programme on Trade and Sustainable Development
October 1, 2008 to
October 22, 2012
The course seeks to enhance capacity of stakeholders from developing countries on different dimensions oftrade and sustainable development. It would provide an introduction to multilateral and regional trade
regime, global institutions and sustainability, multilateral environmental agreements and trade linkage. There
would be special focus on developing country concerns and south-south trade.
Overview of the Indian Building Sector Analysis of its energy saving potential and pre-identification of large-scale Energy Efficiency Programs
January 15, 2012 to
October 6, 2012
The objective of this assignment is to compile all the data available related to the Indian building sector that will contribute towards providing a rough and critical estimation of the energy balance for the whole building sector and its sub-sectors.
Convert Tender Coconut Husk into Convenient Form of Fuel for Clean Combustion
November 1, 2010 to
September 30, 2012
The project objectives are to analyze the tender coconut husk in its available form and to analyze its fuel properties. This project aims to study various aspects for using tender coconut husk as clean combustion fuel in domestic stoves and to promote smokeless and environment-friendly practices in rural house holds. The project aims to develop a process for conversion of coconut husk into convenient form of fuel and to develop and demonstrate a fuel processor unit and a dryer.Improvement of Malbhog, a Commercially Important Indigenous Banana of Assam, through Mutation Induction
October 10, 2007 to
September 28, 2012
Malbhog is a medium tall, most preferred indigenous table banana variety (AAB genomic group) of Assam that bears fruit in 18 months, yields about 8-9 kg per bunch and is prone to disease infestation and pest attack. Banana bunchy top virus has threatened banana propagation, field production and germplasm conservation. The proposed research aims to identify and establish virus free Malbhog germplasm bank. These materials would be useful as explant source for micropropagation of virus free quality planting materials.Due diligence of wind power project in Maharashtra
February 18, 2011 to
September 24, 2012
Due diligence activity involves the independent assessment of the energy generation estimation from the 25 MW wind power project in a proposed site using WAsP. The input data of site wind conditions, contour, roughness, wind turbine locations and the wind turbine characteristics have been used for annual energy generation estimation from wind farm. The uncertainty analysis had been carried out to estimate the energy generation at confidence intervals of P50, P75, P90 and P95.Supporting fuel subsidy reform in India
August 1, 2011 to
September 18, 2012
This project aims to bring together research organisations and policy makers to initiate a reform in fuel pricing policy in India. The project is being led by the Global Subsidies Initiative of IISD with TERI and NIPFP (National Institute of Public Finance and Policy) as local partners.Validation, testing, and locational trials of micro/macro propagated planting stock of selected bamboo species in Northeast India
August 25, 2004 to
September 11, 2012
The objectives are (1) validation of package of practices for high yield plantation for bamboo, timber and bamboo shoot including establishment/upgradation of nursery/plant multiplication facility, (2) locational trials to study the performance of macro and micro propagated planting stock of selected bamboo species in different North East States.India's Green Economy: Road map to an inclusive and equitable growth
November 1, 2011 to
September 10, 2012
India has experienced high rates of economic growth in the post reform era. However, a major weakness in India's growth story is that it has not been sufficiently inclusive for many groups. The concept of green economy emphasizes on improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities (UNEP 2011). This report attempts to undertake an in-depth assessment of key issues in the major sectors of India to lay out a roadmap for green economy in India.CFD analysis of proposed shelter unit for hotspot detection and optimization
May 28, 2012 to
August 31, 2012
The proposed shelter unit houses various passive equipments like Switch-Mode Power Supplies, Battery banks and Power Interfacing Units for the adjacent transmission tower. These equipments release a significant amount of heat during their operation. This in turn increases the indoor air temperature and creates regions of high heat (hotspots) in the shelter unit. The high temperature and the hotspots need to be avoided; otherwise the equipment efficiency and life may get affected adversely (temperature shall be < 500 C).
Where the Rain Falls: Changing agro-climatic risks, hunger and human mobility - India case study report
October 17, 2011 to
August 8, 2012
The objectives of this project are to:conceptualize the relationship between changing weather patterns, food security, social inequalities, and different froms of human mobility;
assess the potential for changing weather patterns to become a major driver of human migration and displacement in coming decades;
enable a range of stakeholders to influence policies, pland and practical interventions in processes such as the UNFCCC climate talks, the work of UN humanitarian and development organizations and specific committees.