Completed Projects
Nitrate removal in membrane bioreactors using indigenous membranes
March 24, 2011 to
October 17, 2013
This work contributes towards the development of a modular nitrate removal system using the environment friendly biological route. Apart from nitrate contaminated water streams, it can also be studied for disposal of RO reject streams containing high nitrate content.Master plan to develop Faridabad as a 'Solar City'
April 1, 2009 to
October 10, 2013
The main objective of the proposed study is to prepare a comprehensive master plan for developing Faridabad as a solar city.Developing the city as a solar city requires an integrated urban planning approach, which simultaneously involves reducing reliance on fossil fuels by the application of energy conservation and efficiency measures and by replacing/complementing the conventional energy generation with the renewable energy. Towards this, the initiatives may include the following:
1. Use of passive building concepts in new buildings and rating of new buildings
Report on Building Design Optimization and Air Conditioning Design for Proposed Banquet Hall at Rohtak, Haryana
November 3, 2010 to
October 8, 2013
The upcoming buildings of HUDA located at sector 4 Rohtak, envisageincorporation of energy efficiency measures to comply with ECBC-2007 (Energy Conservation Building Code) norms. TERI shall provide the necessary guidelines for the design of various energy system installed and on incorporation of energy
efficiency intent at the appropriate stages of design (based on the ECBC-2007
Assessment of Final Impact Evaluation of the GEF SLEM (Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management) project in Uttrakhand
November 29, 2012 to
September 26, 2013
| Land
The key objective of this consultancy is to determine whether the project objectives set in terms of expected outcomes and outputs using various criteria and indicators as defined primarily in the project appraisal document and supervision missions' aide memoires are being met.
This would involve the following:
DNA Clubs-DBT-TERI Mentoring the Schools of North-East
October 1, 2009 to
September 16, 2013
The main objective of this project is to promote deeper awareness about bioresources and to enthuse students about the role of biotechnology and their sutainable utilisation especially in the North-East region. Around 10,000 school students and 200 techers would be the direct beneficiaries from the government, public and private schools. The schools are in the ratio of 5:3:2 respectively. The secondary beneficiary is expected to be more than 1.5 lakh students with an average of 1200-1500 students per school and 7000 teachers.Dialogues on Environmental Governance in the Context of Sustainable Development: The Case of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
February 7, 2013 to
September 15, 2013
TERI in association with KAS proposes to organize the third in a series of five dialogues on environmental governance for sustainable development focused on different ecosystems of the country. This dialogue will consider the case of the coastal and marine ecosystems and focus on the Indian coastal region and islands. The dialogue will take place at Goa during 5-7 April, 2013.
Training Programme on Various Dimensions of Energy Policy: Challenges and Opportunities
August 1, 2013 to
September 14, 2013
| Energy
TERI is equipped with the expertise and state-of-the-art infrastructure to offer capacity building training through South-South collaboration efforts. This is a 10-day training programme structured into 3 modules followed by an implementation module comprising lectures, interactive sessions with researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in the energy policy domain and field visits.
The main objectives of this training programme are to:
Water and Sanitation Education in Mangalore, India
May 1, 2011 to
September 13, 2013
TERI in association with UN-Habitat and Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik (BASF) India is initiating this project in Mangalore and Surathkal (in Karnataka) with an overall objective to create awareness on water, sanitation, and hygiene education in schools.Biodiversity conservation for poverty alleviation in Asia Pacific APFED showcase experience: Operationalising Nagoya Protocol in South Asia
October 16, 2012 to
September 4, 2013
The overall goal of the APFED (Asia Pacific Forum for Environment and Development) side event on Biodiversity and Poverty alleviation is to provide a knowledge sharing platform to discuss the successes and lessons learned behind approaches to projects and programmes, which aim to link these critical issues. The event is organized by UNEP in cooperation with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).
Organization of Training Course on Climate Change Finance
June 3, 2013 to
August 31, 2013
| Climate Change
Climate finance refers to financing channeled by national, regional and international entities for projects and programs linked to action on climate change. It includes climate specific support mechanisms and financial aid for mitigation and adaptation activities to spur and enable the transition towards low-carbon, climate-resilient growth and development through capacity building, R&D and economic development.