Development of non-edible bio-oil based lamps / lanterns for house lighting in rural areas
January 20, 2006 to December 31, 2007
| Completed Project
TERI has under taken this project with the following objective of : 1. Performance study of using bio-oil in pure and different blend with kerosene in the lamps/lanterns 2. Modification of the existing lamps /lanterns to suits the use of bio-oil pure or blend The scope of work includes measuring lumens, specific fuel consumption and emissions.
Valuation of the Socio-Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of Hydro Power Projects in India: Case Study of Two Selected Projects
January 15, 2006 to September 28, 2007
| Completed Project
The study attempts define and classify forest land from the point of view of NPV calculations, and prepare case-studies on benefits and costs of two hydro power projects that have diverted forest land. To provide a rational basis for the classification of forest lands in India into different categories and identify these categories; Identify and define the parameters (scientific, bio-metric a
Energy Efficient Design & Green rating for IIT Kanpur Environmental Sciences building through TERI GRIHA
January 10, 2006 to July 23, 2008
| Completed Project
Earth System & Environment Science Engineering Building, is a research facility located in the Indian Institute of Technology Campus, Kanpur. The facility, as the name suggests would house Laboratories and other facilities for various disciplines of the environment sciences, like Atmospheric, Oceanographic, Earth Sciences etc.
Mapping Climate Vulnerability and Poverty in Africa
January 1, 2006 to October 18, 2006
| Completed Project
The project aims to provide DFID with information on vulnerable regions in Africa through an overlay of climate vulnerability and poverty information for countries within Africa. TERI's methodology from the CIDA project was adopted and GIS was used to a tool to overlay climate vulnerability and poverty information.
Water audit study at Sona Koyo Steering Systems Limited, Gurgaon, Haryana
December 20, 2005 to June 8, 2006
| Completed Project
Water audit study at Sona Koyo Steering Systems Limited, Gurgaon, Haryana
International conference on Energy, environment, and development - analysing opportunities for reducing poverty
December 1, 2005 to May 31, 2007
| Completed Project
TERI will jointly organise an international conference on "Energy, environment, and development - analysing opportunities for reducing poverty" with the Veolia Environment Institute in December 2006. The conference will focus on challenges for sustainable development that arise from the nexus between energy, environment, and poverty.
E-waste management in India
December 1, 2005 to April 30, 2007
| Completed Project
The overall objective of the project is to encourage and strengthen the links between European and Asian countries, NGOs and local organizations and to expand the role and contribution of unorganized recycling units in India promoting at the same time sustainable environmental protection system.The aim of this project is to encourage recyclers, assemblers, and vendors of e-waste to adopt environme
Oil is not well for the poor
November 8, 2005 to November 30, 2007
| Completed Project
Since 2002, oil prices have been climbing steadily, mostly triggered by rapid growth in oil demand in the developing nations, declining excess supply capacity in the world oil market, and geopolitical instability in oil-producing regions.
DROP Integrated Watershed Development Project
November 2, 2005 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project
This integrated watershed development project is proposed to be implemented in Joshu- Bhakru village of Semaltagad Micro-Watershed in Dehradun, Uttaranchal. The project aims to transform the target community into a model village as a replicable example of sustainable rural development.
Development of an integrated and environmental-friendly saccharification process for enhanced ethanol yield from lignocellulose
November 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007
| Completed Project
The objective is to develop an integrated and environment-friendly process to enhance ethanol yield from lignocellulose. In order to hydrolyse the cellulosic portion of the substrate, two issues need to be mainly addressed. One, lignin dissolution with cleavage of ether linkage between lignin and cellulose molecule so as to produce a cellulose-rich residue.