Patent pooling and access to knowledge: a case study of biotechnology
May 1, 2008 to October 30, 2010
| Completed Project
The main objective of this project is to assess the potential and feasibility for patent pooling to act as an effective mechanism to make biotechnology available in developing countries including its possible nature and institutional structure.
Facilitating municipal solid waste management through training and awareness programmes
May 1, 2008 to January 31, 2010
| Completed Project
The goal of this project is to `motivate and solicit the participation of various stakeholders in municipal waste management? The specific objectives are: o TEXT o To share and communicate information to the various stakeholder groups regarding the importance waste reduction and segregation at source TEXT
Improved implementation of municipal solid waste management
May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009
| Completed Project
To support MoEF and the Bank in identifying and preparing of a component on Municipal Waste Management (MSW) (disposal and remediation) systems up-gradation which is consistent with the area-based approach and capacity building objectives of the Project.
Pre feasibility Study for Solar Thermal Power Plant at Barmer, Rajasthan
May 1, 2008 to February 28, 2009
| Completed Project
JSW Energy is a flagship company of JSW Group in the energy field. The company is establishing 8 x 135 MW lignite based power plant at Barmer in Rajasthan. The company has taken about 20 000 acre of land for lignite mining in nearby Kapurdi and Jallipa blocks.
Mapping Climate-Mitigation Technologies/Goods within the Residential and Commercial Buildings Sector
May 1, 2008 to February 27, 2009
| Completed Project
The Study will focus on two broad categories of goods/technologies - the first a set of technologies/goods relevant to building that are available for commercial purchase and use and the second, a range of building technologies that are still subject to R and D but where there is a strong likelihood of commercial deployment in the near to medium-term future.
Preparation of Project Information Note (PIN) and Project Design Document (PDD) under CDM for Bilag Industries
May 1, 2008 to January 31, 2009
| Completed Project
Objective of the project is to develop the project design document (PDD) under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), for conversion of the Boilers, Power plant, Incinerator and thermopack from furnace oil firing to natural gas firing at M/S Bilag Industries Pvt. Ltd., Vapi
Training on "Biotechnological techniques for quality, conservation and multiplication of medicinal plants"
April 17, 2008 to February 21, 2009
| Completed Project
Application of biotechnology for conservation, micropropagation, production of secondary metabolites, biotransformation of intermediate into pharmaceutically important products and genetic enhancement of medicinal plants are the current issue The participants will be exposure to advance techniques such as tissue culture, molecular characterization and modern analytical techniques (TLC, HPLC, GC a
Market development for clean energy sector: focus on (MSW) municipal solid waste based energy projects
April 15, 2008 to June 2, 2009
| Completed Project
In order to understand the viability of harnessing MSW-based power generation for enhancing their contribution to the Indian energy sector, it is important to understand the state-of-the-art technologies available across the globe along with all its auxiliary systems and components.
Theme Champion for Transport and Climate Change for the Global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP) website
April 15, 2008 to April 27, 2009
| Completed Project
TERI has been awarded a contract by the DfID in the UK to develop the Transport and Climate Change theme for the Global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP) website. gTKP is a knowledge sharing facility for transport practioners working in Africa and Asia.
Corporate GHG acounting
April 11, 2008 to June 22, 2012
| Completed Project
DRL Corporate GHG accounting