Ongoing Projects
Implementation of R&D project on "Development of a monitoring system for the energy reception elements in Solar Thermal plants".
February 11, 2016
The broad objective is to develop a reliable, low cost tool that gives a precise and direct evaluation of the energy collection efficiency of each solar collector element including identification of the cause of the error.
Germplasm Bank of Coastal Mushrooms
January 1, 2016
| Health & Nutrition
Mushrooms are a fascinating group of fungi and have been used throughout the world as both food and medicine for thousands of years. Several bioactive compounds of mushrooms show potential antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer and anti-inflammatory abilities. Of the 1500 species reported from India so far, interestingly, ~900 species including several new species in 133 genera were reported from the Western Ghats alone. Mushrooms are rich in proteins, fibers, less in fats and good source of vitamins B and D.
Consultancy services for LEED NC for an upcoming hotel Cidade-de-Goa, Goa
December 22, 2015
| Buildings
The project involves providing consultancy services, facilitation for documentation and commissioning for LEED NC and GRIHA for an upcoming hotel Cidade-de-Goa.
Innovation and Demonstration of Technologies for Improved Production and Enhanced Shelf life of Tomato and Onion
November 23, 2015
The project is to increase the shelf life of tomato by increasing the storage capacity and to develop value added products through the agriculture and food process technology with emphasis on nutritional and technological quality.
Carry out microbial-influenced corrosion (MIC) and biotechnological intervention for its control in VSPL and KG Basin pipelines
October 1, 2015
Gas exploration is the major activity energizing human needs; however, it confronts operational hindrance and economic run-offs arising due to extremities such as deep dwelling sites (submarine; deep subterranean/subsurface) conditions. Most of these gas reserves are situated several kilometres below the ground with pressure ranging between tens to several hundred MPa and temperatures ranging from 50°-200° C. With the increasing demand for petroleum products, petroleum exploration is extended to several kilometres away in the offshore or in very interior territories.
Conducting water audit at selected railway stations of Northern Railway, New Delhi
August 20, 2015
| Water
The objectives of this project are to: (1) Develop a water balance for three selected stations through flow measurement and secondary data.
Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing (CD-LINKS)
August 13, 2015
Decision-makers throughout the world tend to prioritize societal objectives quite differently, depending on local and national circumstances (e.g., development stage, income inequality, exposure and vulnerability to impacts, fossil fuel resource endowment, energy trade balance, domestic food production). This CD-LINKS project aims to inform decision-making processes, particularly at the science-policy interface, through a better understanding of these differences.
Identification of elite mutants in Jatropha curcas using TILLING and Eco-TILLING
May 22, 2015
The aim of this project is to build technical capabilities for the identification of elite accessions using SNP discovery techniques such as TILLING and Eco-TILLING. These will be applied to identify and characterize rare mutations in Jatropha curcas from an artificially mutagenized population as well as natural germplasm. The collaborating groups have developed excellent research material for mutant identification in Jatropha.
Joint UNEP-UNIDO Programme to host and manage the Climate Technology Centre and Network
April 15, 2015
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) has been established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties. It is the operational arm of UNFCCC Technology Mechanism. The mission of CTCN is to stimulate technology cooperation and to enhance the development and transfer of technologies and to assist developing country Parties at their request. TERI is the consortium partner in CTCN, which is led jointly by UNEP and UNIDO. As a consortium partner, TERI is part of its Technical Resource Pool.