Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing (CD-LINKS)

13 Aug 2015
Decision-makers throughout the world tend to prioritize societal objectives quite differently, depending on local and national circumstances (e.g., development stage, income inequality, exposure and vulnerability to impacts, fossil fuel resource endowment, energy trade balance, domestic food production). This CD-LINKS project aims to inform decision-making processes, particularly at the science-policy interface, through a better understanding of these differences. To achieve this, a joint research will be conducted between leading research institutions and key stakeholders from across the group of G20 nations to share experiences, methods, and data.

The main objectives of this project are to: (i) improve the scientific understanding of the linkages between climate change and multiple sustainable development objectives; (ii) broaden the evidence base in the area of policy effectiveness by exploring past and current policy experiences; (iii) develop globally consistent, national low-carbon development pathways; and (iv) establish a research network and capacity-building platform in order to leverage knowledge exchange among institutions from Europe and several Non-European G20 countries.