Ongoing Projects

Enzymatic degradation of antibiotics and phenolic residues waste components at low concentration in surface waters and industrial wastewater using modified membrane bioreactor

December 21, 2016
| Microbes
| Environment

The rampant usage of drugs has made their occurrence in soil, water, aquatic plants and almost whole of the world acknowledged their presence in natural and artificial systems. Municipal and industrial wastewater contains high amounts of antibiotics or other persistent molecule conjugates and metabolites, which possess high biological activity and threat to the environment and to the living organisms. A main goal of this joint bilateral project is to develop the process for the removal of antibiotics and phenolic residues from the water and wastewater.

Strategies for Designing Sustainable Projects for Livelihood and Income Enhancement of the North Eastern states of India

December 19, 2016
| Environment
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Land

Despite being endowed with rich natural resources and biodiversity, the overall development trajectory of North Eastern India is far below rest of India. The entire region faces challenges of poor infrastructure, sustained conflict, militarisation and migration.The eight states of NE have not fully succeeded in converting its potential into growth opportunities for the well-being of the people. Hence, it is urgent that adequate steps are taken to break the vicious cycle of underdevelopment, food deficit, poverty, health disparity and regional imbalance.

Evaluation of Udyogini scheme implemented in the period 2010-11 to 2014-15 by the Karnataka State Women's Development Corporation

November 14, 2016
| Environment
| Sustainable Agriculture

The project aims to evaluate the implementation mechanism and impact of the Udyogini scheme implemented in the period 2010-11 to 2014-15 by the Karnataka State Women's Development Corporation and make suitable recommendations for further effective delivery of the scheme.

Updating State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP) of Uttarakhand and Aligning it with National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP)

November 8, 2016
| Environment
| Forest & Biodiversity

The State Biodiversity Board of Uttarakhand under an initiative of Government of India and UNDP has assigned the task of preparing the Uttarakhand State Biodiversity Action Plan aligned to the National Biodiversity Action Plan and the National Biodiversity Targets to TERI, New Delhi.

Research on policy instruments for achievement of India's NDCs

November 7, 2016
| Climate Change

The focus of the project is on the aspects related to implementing India's NDCs in both international and domestic context.

The following activities are being undertaken under this project:

- Review of Nationally Determined Contributions and tracking of implementation of mitigation actions

- Leveraging Climate Finance: Lessons from international and domestic best practices

- India's technology transfer needs for implementing ambitious NDCs

- Approaches for mainstreaming gender dimension into mitigation projects

Functional validation of yield related genes: genetic improvement of Black Rice for increased productivity by enhancing phosphate utilization efficiency

October 9, 2016
| Sustainable Agriculture

The main objectives are: (1) Standardization of an efficient regeneration and transformation protocols for Joha and Black rice popular cultivars. (2) Isolation and over-expression of miRNA397 for yield improvement and silence of the Badh2 gene for the improvement of aroma in transgenic Joha (cv Keteki) and Black (cv Chakhao amubi) rice cultivars. (3) Development of transgenic Joha (cv Kola) and Black (Chakhao Red line) rice varieties over-expressing SPIKE, MAPK-6 genes for the increased grain yield.

Inter Model Comparisons of different transportation sector policies in India in support of NDC implementation

October 1, 2016
| Climate Change
| Sustainable Habitat
| Transport

The proposed research effort builds on technical collaboration and relationships established over the past few years through energy modelling and analysis with between Indian and U.S. Government partners and modelling teams under the SGWG. The modelling teams are engaged in a multi-year research collaboration seeking to build on this foundation to assist in decision making through analysis on the critical issue of transport and air quality.

All-India Alumni Conference

September 29, 2016

With approximately 16,000 alumni, India has one of the largest and most diverse U.S. government (USG) exchange alumni portfolios in the world; and these alumni have expressed a desire to share their experiences and expertise within and outside the alumni community. The proposed All-India Alumni Conference will strengthen the existing alumni base and network, and provide professional and personal development, as well as networking opportunities for alumni.

Samanvay: Synthesis of Traditional and Modern - India's Approach to Sustainable Low carbon Development Pathways'

September 26, 2016
| Environment
| Climate Change

TERI will provide inputs for a publication on low carbon development pathways which have been adopted by the Indian government. Case studies from a range of sectors such as energy, agriculture, industry, forests, transport, urban growth, and sustainable building will be shared.

Establishment of food testing laboratory in Assam

September 20, 2016
| Microbes

The objectives are to: (i) analyze the samples from licensed food business operators and other stakeholders; (ii) reduce the transportation time of food samples; (iii) ensure compliance of domestic/international safety standards on food produced and consumed in the region; (iv) assist the authority establish during surveillance for monitoring food safety; (v) promote entrepreneurship in food processing sector; (vi) awareness generation and capacity building.