Ongoing Projects

Inclusion of Climate Smart Agriculture Approaches in existing Agricultural Practices and Capacity Building (MACP project)

June 1, 2016
| Sustainable Agriculture

The objective of the assignment is capacity building of Agriculture and Allied Departments' officers and field functionaries to plan and implement Climate Smart Agriculture practices in the state of Maharashtra. The project has three components viz. (i) Intensification and diversification of market led production; (ii) Improving farmer access to markets by promoting alternative markets and modernizing existing market infrastructure; and (iii) Project coordination and management.

DSM Action Plan for Mangalore Electricity Supply Company (MESCOM) based on load research study

June 1, 2016

In order to devise DSM interventions for the utility, load research forms the starting point. Load research study assists the DSM activities through provision of supporting data of consumer load profiles, which are useful in developing and analysing DSM plans. These DSM plans enable the utility to manage the system loads by motivating consumers to vary the consumption so as to reduce system peak and increase the off peak usage of energy.

A transparency framework for Implementing INDCs in India

June 1, 2016

The primary goal of the study is to design a robust transparency framework for India and enhancing preparedness for its implementation, as elaborated below.

Construction and application of recombinant strain of Bacillus subtilis for production of alkaline-protease

May 23, 2016
| Microbes
| Environment

Protease enzymes are biocatalyst that has long been used as alternative to chemical reactions to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a wide range of industrial systems and bioprocesses. They are currently applied in both basic and applied arenas of research as well as in a wide range of product design and manufacturing processes e.g. those pertaining to the food, detergent, beverage, leather processing, waste water treatment, and in pharmaceutical industries.

State of Energy and Water Report for the Emirate of Sharjah

May 23, 2016

Compilation of a reliable statistics and understanding the institutional framework for policy is extremely important to understand existing scenario and to frame sound future interventions. With this rationale, a study is proposed for preparing a report on ¿The State of Energy and Water for the Emirate of Sharjah¿. The objective of this project is to inform decision-making and facilitate stakeholder engagement for sustainable development outcomes.

Partnership with Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience research on glacier and snowpack dependent river basins for improving livelihoods

April 15, 2016
| Climate Change

Hi-AWARE is one of the four consortia of the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), which is conducting high-calibre research and pilot activities in the mountains and flood plains of the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra river basins. As a part of the Hi-AWARE consortium, TERI is the country lead for India, focusing on conducting research activities in the Upper Ganga and Teesta Basin.

Bio-toilets in schools of the North-eastern States of India for hygiene and technology dissemination

April 1, 2016
| Microbes

The main objectives to be achieved from the project are given below: Operationalization of toilets; Demonstration of anaerobic digester for biogas generation and its utilization; Feasibility for utilization of biogas as clean energy in cooking of midday meal in schools; Promoting behavioural change among school children and teach them to be hygienic. Dissemination of bio-toilets in the DNA club schools by TERINE.

Consultancy services for preparation of DPR's, for commissioning of grid connected Solar RTPV projects on the Rooftop of the Government schools/colleges and other government buildings

March 30, 2016

The scope of this programme shall include pre-feasibility analyses of RTPV systems on government buildings using: simulation tools and Geographical Information Systems (GIS); preparation of project-wise DPR with techno-economic feasibility (including site analysis, solar irradiation profiles, and financial analysis); preparation of tender document for appointing agencies/system integrators for design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of RTPV systems on aforementioned buildings; evaluation of bids received;

Orchid bioresources of North East India - Conservation, database development and information networking

March 28, 2016

The project is one of the efforts for bioresource conservation and utilization for the benefit of mankind and subsequently for developing a market for income generation. The main objectives of this project are:

1. Collection, characterization and ex situ conservation of rare and endangered orchids of North East India

2. NEORCHID - Database development of orchid species and hybrids using bioinformatics tools; and

3. NETORCHID - Information networking amongst orchid growers, research Institutes, enterprises etc.

Resource efficient supply chain for metal products in buildings sector in South Asia (METABUILD)

March 1, 2016
| Resources & Sustainable Development

The project aims to implement sustainable production processes and practices in 400 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka involved in the metal products supply chain for the building and construction sector. Metal SMEs will be enabled to adopt Resource Efficient Cleaner Production (RECP) practices by a combination of awareness generation, individual consultation and capacity building, handholding for implementation, financing and providing linkages with other stakeholders.