Completed Projects
Capacity building in rural distribution franchising for franchisers and franchisees
August 29, 2007 to
August 19, 2007
TERI has been made the lead training institute for Scheme on capacity building of rural distribution franchising. Under the scheme TERI has to conduct training programs in various RGGVY states for franchisers and franchisees.Recommendations for Norway''s entry into CDM in India
June 1, 2007 to
August 14, 2007
The primary objective of this project was to understand and gain knowledge on the activities of other Annex I countries'' and other agencies (WB, ADB and their carbon funds) on CDM in India and suggest recommendations for Norway to plan its approach on CDM in India.Country Assistance Program Evaluation for India
February 12, 2007 to
August 1, 2007
(i) Review ADB-financed programs with environmental objectives and assess their relevance,effectiveness, sustainability, and impact with regard to improving the environment;
(ii) Assess how ADB¿s operations in India have mainstreamed environmental sustainability;
(iii) Organize and facilitate focus group interviews, as required, to obtain feedback from EAs and other
relevant government and non-government stakeholders on ADB¿s assistance for improving the
environment in India; and
(iv) Prepare and present report in prescribed format on findings.
Water Infrastructure Actors in the Himalayan Region
March 1, 2007 to
July 31, 2007
The present study provides a synoptic documentation of the history of water infrastructure development over transboundary rivers in the Ganga (or the Ganges) sub-basin, involving Nepal, India and Bangladesh as the three riparian nations. The various water infrastructure actors at different levels are identified along with a discussion of the associated hydropolitics. The attempt has been to bring out from an extensive review of the relevant published literature the key features of the interactions among major actors in the region at all levels.Global Opportunities Fund: Climate and Energy
October 1, 2004 to
July 31, 2007
The project focuses on undertaking three case studies in different agro-climatic zones, such as Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, and Karnataka, for the development of a common framework through which the local variation/nuances in energy planning, energy access, and use at the regional/micro level can be factored into the national planning process.Demonstration of Renewable Energy Applications for Greening of Marine Boats in Mumbai
January 1, 2007 to
July 31, 2007
Demonstration of Renewable Energy Applications for Greening of Marine Boats in MumbaiDetailed feasibility study of DDG projects at five villages in Bilaspur site
September 7, 2005 to
July 31, 2007
DDG projects for village electrification based on renewable energy technologies, such as Biomass gasifier at the NTPC Ltd power project at Sipat, for electrification of villages Amamora, Kampeur, Kukrar, Ode and Tendubey, in Raipur District in the State of Chhattisgarh.In response, TERI undertook detailed survey of the aforesaid villages and the following pages contain the detailed project report in respect of the same.
Discussion Paper on GHG Emission Inventorisation Tool for Iron and Steel Industry
January 31, 2007 to
July 31, 2007
The current WRI Iron and Steel GHG Inventory Tool is several years old and provides very simple calculation approaches for this sector. The new IPCC guidelines reflect further thinking on this sectors sources, as well as updated and new emission factors. The International Iron and Steel Institute has also develop a tool for GHG accounting. In order to update the WRI I and S Tool the present thinking on GHG emission inventorisation has to be consolidated.Trade Liberalization in Services
September 1, 2006 to
July 28, 2007
The objective of the project is to find out the impact on the various strata of the economy in terms of public, private and community sector with regard to liberalization in tourism and health sector. The project tries to find out how liberalization has impacted some of the goals of MDG related to income generation, living standards of community people after liberalization with a vision to find out possible gaps in attaining the development goals.This project is funded by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.