Completed Projects
Public Participation/Advocacy/Outreach Work under P.R. Component of YAP-II in Region: South and South West Delhi
June 1, 2009 to
April 14, 2011
GoalTo generate awareness and bring about behavioral changes amongst the identified stakeholders on the issues related to prevention of pollution in River Yamuna on sustainable basis.
For schools
? To sensitize school children on causes of river Yamuna pollution
? To bring a feeling of attachment and respect in school children towards river Yamuna
? To educate school children on ways to prevent river pollution
? To ensure positive changes in their attitude towards River Yamuna
For community
Development of bio-oil-based cooking stoves
January 21, 2006 to
April 8, 2011
TERI has under taken this project with the following objective of : 1. Performance study of using bio-oil in pure and different blend in the existing stoves 2. Modification of the existing stoves to suits the use of bio-oil or blend with kerosene. The scope of work involed identifying power output, specific fuel consumption, preliminary emission measurements. The target group is rural community and devices considered are for rural kitchen. It is estimated that nearly 2930 million litres ofkreosene is being used as cooking fuel.Rural Household Air Pollutants: Strategies and Programmes
April 27, 2009 to
April 6, 2011
Biomass accounts for more than 80% of domestic cooking in India. The combustion of biomass fuels produces a large number of air pollutants including nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), respirable particulate, formaldehyde and benzene.This project will assess knowledge, attitude and practices related to cooking fuel, Monitor levels of air pollutants in the cooking area, and
assess the feasibility of possible interventions for the community in Ballabgarh.
Toyota Asian Ozone project
October 1, 2008 to
April 6, 2011
The international collaborative project, supported by Toyota Motor corporation, focuses on the need to achieve economic growth by meeting the energy needs while ensuring at the same time that environmental issues such as ozone pollution are adequately addressed. Under this project on air quality improvement, TERI would develop energy scenarios, calculate the emission inventory and carry out 3-D air quality simulation (for ozone and particulate matter) using CMAQ model and finally develop alternative energy and emission scenarios.Environmental Status Report and estimation of Carbon footprint for Pune City
June 1, 2010 to
March 31, 2011
The objectives of this project are: (1) To prepare Environmental Status Report for the year 2009-10; (2) To estimate the carbon foot print of Pune city (PMC limits. Scope of the Work (1) Review the implementation of the Action Plans for last three years; (2) Conduct ESR Launch Workshop; (3) Carry out exhaustive situation analysis; (4) Present the Situation analysis to the committee; (5) Present the Draft ESR Report to the committee; (6) Submission of Final ESR Report; (7) Propose action plan for Pune city.
Adaptation economics calculated
February 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2011
The aim is to improve the methodology for estimating the costs of adapting to climate change and to apply it to estimate these costs for India. Issues to be addressed in making such estimates are:1/ Getting better estimates of the impacts of climate change on individuals;
2/ Allowing for autonomous adaptation to climate change;
3/ Allowing for costs of adjustment to climate change;
4/ Allowing for the impacts of general development on the costs of adaptation;
5/ How to allow for increased uncertainty about future impacts in terms of the costs it generates;
Report to People on Environment
January 19, 2010 to
March 31, 2011
The Report to People on Environment is being prepared for Ministry of Environment and Forests. The report will present the state of the environment of the country and initiate public debate on their inclusion in issues related to environment management in the country.ITEC course on climate change and sustainability
October 20, 2009 to
March 31, 2011
The training course is organised for the ITEC participants supported by the MEA for providing an understanding of the various aspects of climate change and its implication for sustainability.Collaboration with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Business action on climate change
November 13, 2008 to
March 31, 2011
Activity IX: Business Action on Climate ChangeNorwegian Partners: Business houses, Business councils, Consultancy firms
For the past several years, TERI has been addressing issues related to sustainable development with the Indian industry, by setting up TERI-BCSD (Business Council for Sustainable Development) India, which is currently a network of 98 of the most prominent, motivated and environmentally conscious corporates.