Completed Projects
Air Quality Report of Maharashtra 2014-15
April 30, 2015 to
June 30, 2015
Statistical compilation and data analysis for the air quality data monitored and compiled by MPCB under NAMP program.
Knowledge x-change on Sustainable Development
September 3, 2012 to
June 24, 2015
| Water
| Forest & Biodiversity
| Waste
| Air
| Health & Nutrition
| Environment
| Energy
| Climate Change
| TERI Knowledge Resource Centre
| Knowledge Repositories & Information Centre
The key objectives of KxSD are to:
Environmental Status Report for Navi Mumbai 2014-15
May 13, 2015 to
June 20, 2015
Annual statutory report for the ULB (Urban Local Body). It analysis the status of resources in the Municipal corporation and the environmental Performance of the last in one financial year.
To support for eradicating malnourishment in Rural areas under the project PROTEIN : establishing vegetable cluster
June 1, 2015 to
June 16, 2015
Pathardi and Botoshi villages are situated at a very remote location in the Mokhada block of Palghar district with almost 99 percent of population been Schedule tribes. TERI had already implemented LaBL in the villages and malnourishment being another important issue of the region, TERI plans to further address the issues in the same two villages through the second phase of the project. Following activities are considered under the project: 1. Sourcing of Nutri Food: Setting up a nursery or a garden of selected nutri varieties at community level by engaging the youth and women.2.
Food Processing Clusters : PROTEIN (Program to Revitalize Overall health of Tribals by Ensuring Intake of Nutritious products)
May 12, 2015 to
June 1, 2015
A comprehensive program to address malnourishment in the tribal and rural blocks.
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Research Area: Mapping Institutions, Researchers and Funders in India
January 29, 2015 to
May 30, 2015
| Energy
| Environment
| Sustainable Agriculture
The study maps the research publication outputs, from 2005 to 2014, of the increasingly critical interface of water, energy, and food, and their intertwined relationship in Indian research. The report also examines the research and development priorities on these areas for Indian funding organisations and the existing international collaborations. The leading institutions and researchers in the Nexus areas were identified based on the scientometric methodology of measuring and analysing research papers published in the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus research areas as given below.
Joining hands for a better world: A TERI-JUSCO initiative
October 1, 2013 to
May 25, 2015
| Energy
| Energy Efficiency
Schoolchildren stay well informed about the importance of energy and its conservation through sources such as books, magazines, television and field visits. However, many of them remain unaware of how they can contribute to the initiative of conservation of resources. Awareness is the key factor to take action, as it provides schoolchildren information which is necessary to ensure their participation in resource conservation.
Thermal performance evaluation of Insulla roofing tile of Japeva Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
August 5, 2014 to
April 30, 2015
Thermal performance evaluation and material characterization of a roofing material for Japeva Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
Energy Efficiency Improvement of Reheating Furnaces of Steel Industries in Indonesia
September 1, 2014 to
April 22, 2015
| Energy
| Energy Efficiency
The overall objective of the assignment is to identify energy saving opportunities in steel industries using reheating furnaces in Indonesia.
The specific objectives of the project are the following:
1. To assess the performance of steel reheating furnaces in terms of (a) scale of operation, (b) products manufactured, (c) fuel consumption, and (d) process technology.
2. To identify energy efficient technology and best operating practices that can be implemented to save energy and reduce GHG emissions.
Proceedings of 6th GRIHA Regional Conference & Exhibition on Accelerating Sustainability in Built Environment The GRIHA Approach
December 12, 2014 to
March 31, 2015
6th GRIHA Regional Conference & Exhibition on "Accelerating Sustainable Built Environment - The GRIHA Approach" in Bangalore on 3rd & 4th February, 2015