Completed Projects
Preparation of Water Quality Report - 2011-12
January 22, 2014 to
March 20, 2014
MPCB records and published data for water quality monitoring in Maharashtra. This report shall present the data for fiscal year 2011-12 in a very lucid and illustrative manner. The report shall also present the water quality index across the state of Maharashtra.
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism Capacity Building in India for Fiscal Year 2013
October 15, 2013 to
March 13, 2014
The main objective of this project is to raise awareness on opportunities of joint crediting mechanism and Japanese low-carbon technologies.
Preparation of Air Quality Report - 2011-12 for MPCB
October 23, 2013 to
February 28, 2014
MPCB is the nodal agency for state of Maharashtra to monitor air and water pollution in the state. They aspire to compile an report for their data on air quality for the year 2011-12 and review the report on water quality for the same financial year.
Directions Innovation and Strategies for Sustainable Development in Goa
April 15, 2011 to
February 28, 2014
| Sustainable Habitat
| Transport
| Environment
| Air
The transport sector has always been a significant contributor to the emissions estimates of cities. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) intends to take up a study to know the 'Status of Pollution Generated from Road Transport Sector'. The objectives of the study are as follows:
(1) Estimation of vehicular emission load in terms of CO, VOC, NOx, SOx, PM, ammonia, greenhouse gases, etc.
(2) Evaluation of various factors effecting emission load from vehicle and development of correction factors for the realistic estimation of the emission loads.
Dialogue on Strengthening Environmental Governance in the context of Sustainable Development in India: The Case ofPlateaus and Hills
September 2, 2013 to
February 18, 2014
| Environment
| Land
TERI in association with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organizing the fourth in a series of five dialogues on environmental governance for sustainable development focused on different ecosystems of the country. This dialogue will consider the plateau and hill ecosystems of the country. The dialogue will take place at Bangalore during 6-8 October, 2013.
The main objectives of this dialogue are to:
highlight the specific environmental issues and challenges in different regions;
Training Workshops for ESD Practitioners
December 6, 2012 to
February 17, 2014
| Environment
An important objective of this programme is to build capacities for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in order to reach the people who are best placed to help implement a sustainable development approach in schools, not only in lessons but also as a form of school development. The participants will be trainers who run training programmes for school managers, inspectors, and members of civil society, which will act like a link between teachers, leaners, and the school environment.
Review of Tariff Guidelines for Ports 2005
August 5, 2011 to
February 3, 2014
Ministry of Shipping has engaged TERI to review the Tariff Guidelines of 2005. The main objectives are:
Training Workshop on Green and Sustainable Technologies
September 28, 2013 to
January 16, 2014
| Energy
| Energy Efficiency
| Sustainable Habitat
Through this training workshop, TERI has taken the initiative of filling up the existing gap in the knowledge of green and sustainable technologies through offering advanced level training on the same and also creating awareness about various other sustainable technologies. It would be a residential workshop held at the RETREAT. It is a model sustainable habitat with world-class facilities, designed to be self-sufficient and independent of any external power supply - an experience worth cherishing!
Extending solar Lighting Service to 45 villages in selected Indian States under REC's Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
April 4, 2011 to
January 15, 2014
TERI and the Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is collaborating to extend clean lighting options under the aegis of LaBL initiative to further REC's corporate social responsibility and better the lives of the rural communities. Centralized solar charging stations will be set up covering 45 villages in Assam, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.Preparation of tourism accounts for Himachal Pradesh
May 1, 2013 to
January 7, 2014
| Energy
| Environment
The aim of the study is preparation of tourism satellite accounts for Himachal Pradesh, to measure the goods and services associated with tourism according to international standards, concepts, classifications and definitions.