Completed Projects
Study on the benefits of Somfy Roller Blinds in the Indian Context
January 1, 2016 to
September 30, 2016
The main objectives of the proposed study are as follows:
Case studies: To find out and define the practical problems occurring with the conventional methods of window shading and glazing selection.
Numerical and test bed experiments: To find out better and effective solutions for appropriate shade and glazing design suitable for the Indian context.
To find the benefits of Somfy roller blinds in terms of visual and thermal comforts and other non-tangible benefits.
Preparation of Environmental Status Report (ESR) of Kolhapur 2015-16
May 10, 2016 to
September 30, 2016
Presenting the environment status report of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation. Preparation of this report is statutory from the state government for all A class ULB's in Maharashtra.
Electricity pricing and the willingness to pay for electricity in India
March 3, 2016 to
September 3, 2016
| Energy Access
The study sought to understand the viability of on- and off-grid energy solutions and potential uptake for energy solutions in India by assessing: (a) the 'willingness to pay/invest' for energy services; and (b) the commercial viability of business models for both on- and off-grid energy service provisioning.
Water Quality Status of Maharashtra 2015-16
May 13, 2016 to
August 15, 2016
| Environment
| Water
Statistical compilation and analytical presentation of water quality data monitored by MPCB.
Health and Energy Facilities: Pathardi- Towards a model village
May 31, 2016 to
July 1, 2016
| Health & Nutrition
| Environment
| Energy
| Energy Access
TERI proposes to extend its activities under the umbrella of ¿Health and Energy¿. The proposal is driven by the vision of transforming Pathardi towards a Model village in a phase wise manner. TERI has identified the three niche areas that need to be addressed. 1. Energy Access, 2. Health and Nutrition and 3. Livelihood and skill development In the current phase, the emphasis would be given on Energy Access and Health.
Conducting baseline survey to evolve methodology for fixation of Minimum Support Price for selected Minor Forest Produce
October 6, 2015 to
June 30, 2016
| Forest & Biodiversity
The forest dwelling communities in India have been legally endowed with ownership and governance of minor forest produce (MFP) through two seminal legislations of Government of India, namely PESA, 1996 and Forest Rights Act, 2006, which gives the “right of ownership, access to collect, use and dispose of minor forest produce which has been traditionally collected within or outside village boundaries”. Minor Forest Produce forms the largest unorganized sector, often leading to unsustainable harvesting of these forest products.
Air Quality Report for Maharashtra 2015-16
May 12, 2016 to
June 30, 2016
Statistical and analytical presentation of air quality data monitored by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.
Developing the Environmental Status Report of Navi Mumbai 2015-16
May 25, 2016 to
June 30, 2016
| Environment
| Cities
| Sustainable Habitat
ESR (Environmental Status Report) is regarded as a significant tool in decision making in the context of urban development. The ESR indicates the status of environmental management in the city as it documents the qualitative as well as quantitative status of resources like water resources, air quality, land resource, civic infrastructure, amenities and identifies the areas where further need interventions for improvement.
Bioformulation of indigenous entomopathogenic fungi of Assam for control of mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysinbi Holt)
July 1, 2013 to
May 21, 2016
| Microbes
The objective of this project was the assessment of indigenous selected fungal strain for virulence against the pest Lipaphis erysinbi Holt and their impact on predators and pollinators.
Bioenergy feasibility study for the Government of Maldives
April 16, 2015 to
March 31, 2016
The project involved assessment of bioenergy production from the indigenous resources of Maldives. Fish waste and algal biofuels was looked into as options for renewable energy production in the country. The study also analysed the current situation, prospects and possibilities with regard to bioenergy production and utlization in Maldives.