Completed Projects
Environmental Status Report of Navi Mumbai (NMMC) 2016-17
July 3, 2017 to
September 5, 2017
| Environment
| Land
| Water
As per the State Govt ,it is compulsory for Municipal Corporation to prepare the Environmental Status report every year. This report highlights the current status of Air, Water, Land and Biodiversity of the city along with recommendations.
Development of microbial process for in-situ generation/enhancement of methane from underground coal seams
April 1, 2015 to
August 31, 2017
| Microbes
The main objective of this project is to carry forward and upscale the work initiated by TERI for production of methane from coal through microbial intervention. The project aims at design, development and demonstration of an up-scaling protocol for a microbial consortium, already developed in the previous phase of the study, for enhancing methane recovery from coal. Also, the techno-economic feasibility for implementation of the strategy in coal seams or coal-bed methane wells for enhanced methane recovery will be evaluated.
Understanding how climate effects health in the Indian context
August 31, 2016 to
August 30, 2017
| Health & Nutrition
TERI's role is capacity building, outreach and awareness generation for a community of practice. We would be a secretariat, and have a website to network. We need to define a Strategic Plan along with the existing advisory group. The network has close to 70 members working on climate change.
Studying the impact of aerosols on Himalayan glacier
September 1, 2014 to
August 22, 2017
| Air
The primary objective of this project is to quantify how the amount and properties of absorbing type aerosols (black carbon) is affecting the glaciers’ mass balance in the Himalayas. The specific objectives are to:
a. Quantify the concentration levels and transport of absorbing aerosols to the Indian Himalayas;
b. Estimate the surface warming and subsequent melting of the Pindari glacier by direct atmospheric forcing and due to surface albedo effects;
c. Estimate the current and future warming potential of aerosols in the Himalayas;
Water Quality Status of Maharashtra 2016-17
May 8, 2017 to
August 8, 2017
| Environment
| Water
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB), being the state nodal agency under Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), regularly monitors the water quality across 294 WQMS (Water Quality Monitoring Stations) for both surface (176 on rivers, 36 on sea/creeks, 12 on drains, 4 dams) and ground water (29 Borewells, 35 Dugwell, 1 Handpump, 1 Tubewell) under two programs of National Water Quality Monitoring Program (NWMP) and State Water Quality Monitoring Program (SWMP).
Survey: Mapping people’s perception of pollution
April 4, 2017 to
June 30, 2017
| Air
| Transport
| Environment
The objective of the project is to produce an analytical paper, which shall include base information and guiding questions for expert consultation related to a comprehensive mapping of air quality in India: - Produce a discussion paper containing base information and guiding questions for expert consultation - Carry out expert stakeholder consultation based on the discussion paper - Revise the paper based on experts input - Select at least two (2) outside experts to review the paper - Finalize the paper based on the reviews from outside experts - Submit the final paper to EDF
Air Quality Status Report of Maharashtra 2016-17
April 1, 2017 to
June 5, 2017
| Environment
| Air
Statistical and analytical presentation of air quality data monitored by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.
Workshop on "Effective and efficient realization of the extensive bioenergy resources of India"
December 22, 2016 to
March 31, 2017
The workshop was organized to stress the importance of bioenergy and biofuels from biomass, to streamline bioenergy options from various feedstocks and to facilitate effective and sustainable utilization of bioresources for energy. A study is also planned to be conducted after the workshop whereby the discussions from the workshop would be used as pointers for investigation. The outcome of the workshop followed by the study is to facilitate a policy framework that would help realize the bioenergy potential of India in an organized and accelerated mode.
Resource Efficiency Initiative: A detailed study on India's Automobile Sector
March 2, 2015 to
March 31, 2017
The automobile sector has emerged as a key sector for the Indian economy. Over the last 15 years, the sector has experienced phenomenal growth and in the coming years factors like growing population, rising aspirations of growing middle class, increased per-capita income, access to affordable finance will make the sector all the more relevant for the Indian economy. This sector depends on various natural resources and future growth implies greater dependence on resources.
Source Apportionment of PM2.5 & PM10 of Delhi NCR for Identification of Major Sources
November 22, 2016 to
March 31, 2017
| Environment
| Air
This study carried out source apportionment of PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in Delhi-National capital region (NCR) using two modelling-based approaches. The first approach relied upon monitoring and chemical characterization of PM2.5 and PM10 samples. The chemically speciated samples along with source profiles were fed into the receptor model to derive source contributions. In the second approach, source-wise emission inventory, along with meteorological inputs and boundary conditions were fed into a dispersion model to simulate PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations.