Completed Projects
Energy access realities in urban poor communities of developing countries: Assessments and recommendations- SPM, UPEA III
October 1, 2013 to
May 28, 2014
| Energy
| Energy Access
Nearly 1.3 billion people continue to remain without access to electricity and 2.6 billion do not have access to clean cooking facilities (World Energy Outlook, 2012).
E for Energy Efficiency - Phase II
September 23, 2013 to
May 23, 2014
| Energy
| Energy Efficiency
The increase in demand for energy in response to industrialization, urbanization, and societal affluence has led to considerable fossil fuels burning, which in turn has an adverse impact on the environment. Thus, it is of paramount importance that energy is conserved and efficiently used. It has been estimated that nearly 25,000 MW can be saved by implementing end-use energy efficiency and demand side management measures throughout India.
Maintenance of Plantation at Malara Green Cap
September 1, 2010 to
May 22, 2014
TERI would help TCL to develop a sustainable green cover over overburden dumps besides improving other physical measures using mycorrhizal technology in various plant species of economic importance so that:1/ The area is converted to better substrates for plant growth;
2/ The tree/plant species used for afforestation could be identified based on economic importance(herbaceous plants, foliage plants, fuel wood, pulp and paper, etc.);
European responses to climate change: Deep emissions, reductions and mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation
January 1, 2010 to
May 19, 2014
The RESPONSES project addresses EU policy challenges by: developing new global low emissions scenarios, placing EU efforts in a global context; building an approach for assessing EU policies against mitigation and adaptation objectives and for developing alternative policy options; applying this framework in five EU policy sectors (water and agriculture, biodiversity, regional development/ infrastructure, health and energy), linked by a set of cross-sectoral integrative activities; and synthesizing the results to new policy strategies.Effective School Management and Leadership Programme
October 1, 2012 to
April 30, 2014
| Environment
Principals and senior school functionaries trained under this leadership training programme will as a spin off get actively involved in the cascading workshops. TERI will provide post-training support to all these master trainers and also help them in documenting success stories so as to share with the CBSE Board for wider dissemination. Certificates will also be provided at the successful completion of the trainings.
Fostering Community Forest Management in Nagaland
August 1, 2012 to
April 24, 2014
| Environment
| Forest & Biodiversity
The project involves organisation of a sensitisation workshop at Kohima for officers, frontline staff and the community on REDD+, the organisation of a one week training and capacity building porgramme on REDD+ in New Delhi and the undertaking of an assessment for designing a field-level REDD+ project.
New energy (biofuels, solar, and wind) and implications for land as a resource
May 31, 2013 to
April 16, 2014
| Land
| Energy
The objectives of this study are:
- To explore the demand for land arising from growing and changing demand for renewable energy in India. The conventional and (new) alternative energy sources will be compared in terms of their land intensity.
- To document how India is dealing with 'not in my backyard concerns' (NIMBY) related to new energy sources and incentivizing the use of land for energy purposes.
Climate and energy in a complex transition process towards sustainability in Hyderabad
October 1, 2008 to
April 3, 2014
TERI's role in the project is to develop concept papers on the following topics along with its project partners:
1. Regulatory reforms and urban governance
2. Energy-efficient technology in industry, water, housing,
transport, cooking etc.
3. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which includes
studies on urban and peri-urban forestry for carbon
sequestration, bio-diesel for rural and urban energy
Action Plan for Green Budget for Punjab
September 1, 2013 to
March 31, 2014
| Resources & Sustainable Development
Punjab was the first state in India to undertake an exercise on green budgeting
Clean energy solutions for Sundarbans
October 28, 2013 to
March 31, 2014
| Energy
| Environment
| Energy Access
Under its CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiative, Power System Operation Corporation Limited (POSOCO) has embarked on setting up energy-based projects, which aid the energy needs of those areas that are in requirement of it. TERI has been working in the field of energy access for over 20 years. By bringing together POSOCO’s CSR programmes and TERI’s expertise in energy access, it is proposed that 2 Solar Multi-Utility (SMU) centres will be installed by TERI in two locations in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal.