
Impact of Environmental Regulation on Utility Business

Policy brief
| September 17, 2020

This paper examines the impact of the electric utilities sector on the environment, including global climate change and more local or regional environmental issues such as air pollution.

Making Mission Possible: Delivering a Net-Zero Economy

Policy brief
| September 16, 2020

The primary route to decarbonisation will be clean electrification, complemented by hydrogen, sustainable biomass and fossil fuels combined with carbon capture, says the report

भारत में गवेषण एवं खनन: गहन खोज का समय

Policy brief
| September 14, 2020

भारत में खनिजों के लिए सर्वाधिक भू-वैज्ञानिक संभावनाएं हैं। ऊपरी सतह अथवा उससे कुछ नीचे स्थित अधिकांश खनिज खोजे जा चुके हैं और गहराई में छिपे हुए खनिज निक्षेपण के लिए एक गहन खोज की आवश्यकता है। इसका अभिप्राय है नवीनतम प्रौद्योकियों के द्वारा सतत आधार पर गवेषण किए जाएं।

Examining Temporal Change and Prediction of Future Land Use Using Geospatial Approach: A Case Study of Talpona River Watershed in Goa, India

Research Paper
| September 14, 2020

Land-use change leads to environmental change on spatial and temporal scales. For better water resource management, understanding the interaction between landuse changes and local hydrology is crucial. This study analyzed the land-use change over past years and predicted the future one in Talpona river watershed in Goa. Land Change Modeler was used for change analysis between satellite images of 1993, 2014 and 2019 map for validation. The Kappa co-efficient of 0.73 indicated acceptable accuracy. Multi-Layer Perceptron neural network was used for prediction of land-use for 2030 and 2040.

Guiding Framework for India's Long-Term Strategy: Adaptation

Policy brief
| September 11, 2020

Under the backdrop of the Paris Agreement, parties committed to developing mid-century or long-term low emission development strategies by 2020 (Long-Term Strategy or LTS). This strategy should be tailor-made, such that it aligns with the short-term as well as medium time climate action and, chalks out a climate-resilient development pathway. It is critical that such a pathway also embraces adaptation and mitigation choices that have the potential to offset as well as contribute to sustainable development.

What would make Indians buy EVs? Our survey has some answers

| September 11, 2020

TERI's survey on consumer perception of electric vehicles (EVs) revealed that issues like upfront cost, battery replacement, and range anxiety are topmost concerns for people considering buying an EV.

भारत के जलवायु संबंधी लक्ष्य: तकनीकी समाधान और बाधाएं

| September 10, 2020

द नॉर्वेजियन मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ फॉरेन अफेयर्स (एमएफए) और द एनर्जी एंड रिसोर्सेज इंस्टीट्यूट (TERI) के बीच फ्रेमवर्क एग्रीमेंट (एनएफए) के तहत, जलवायु परिवर्तन के समाधान ढूंढने के लिए, भारत के प्रासंगिक एनर्जी-इंटेसिव सेक्टर के लिए एक व्यापक शोध अध्ययन के बाद डेटाबेस विकसित किया गया है।

Till when will we let our cities drown?

| September 9, 2020

As climate change worsens heavy downpours and water logging in ill-planned urban areas, India needs city-specific policy and scientific interventions such as early warning systems to reduce the losses and damages caused by urban floods.

India's energy transition: The challenge with decision-making at a time of rapid change

| September 4, 2020

India has set ambitious targets towards the achievement of the dual goals of climate action and sustainable development through its nationally determined contributions and energy access commitments. As India starts a new decade of energy transition, it is an opportune time to assess where India stands in achieving its targets as well as to identify the key challenges being faced during this transition.

TERI continues to deliver technological options that provide the path to sustainable development: Nitin Desai, Chairman, TERI

| August 28, 2020

Nitin Desai, Chairman, and Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI started off the proceedings of the 19th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture by speaking on what TERI stands for in these challenging times