
Understanding Perspectives: A Behavioural Study in the Indian Cooling Sector

Policy brief
| November 2, 2020

The impact of climate change is manifesting itself in increasingly erratic weather patterns, and even these increasing in frequency and severity. Heat waves in the summer months across the hemispheres are becoming more the norm than the exception. The 2019 report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated that around 2.3 billion people could be both exposed and vulnerable to heatwave events due to 1.5°C of global warming.

G20 Circular Carbon Economy: Fostering Circularity in Plastics

Policy brief
| October 27, 2020

Fostering circularity in plastic use is an effective way to reduce contamination of marine and coastal environments with plastics and man-made debris. However, there are many challenges down this path.

G20's role in Marine Biodiversity

Policy brief
| October 27, 2020

Collectively, Group of Twenty (G20) countries are yet to reach the 10% target set under the 2020 Aichi biodiversity targets - including marine biodiversity - and SDGs. This policy brief explores policy options and best pratices for enhancing Marine Protected Areas (MPA).

Addressing Air Quality Spurts due to Crop Stubble Burning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Policy Brief

Research Paper
| October 26, 2020

World over the headlines are centered on COVID-19. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and various governments across the world see this pandemic sticking around for longer than everyone would hope for. Not a happy situation to be in (given the serious fallouts of the nature of COVID-19 management strategies on economies, employment, livelihood, health, and wellbeing of people). Yet, it demands that all stakeholders-governments, UN organisations, industry, people, civil society-to shift their strategy from reactive to proactive.

Gujarat’s Electricity Sector - The Fairy Tale Revival

Research Paper
| October 16, 2020

This paper details the major steps taken by the state of Gujarat in India to bring about the transformation in the rural electricity sector and provides a learning opportunity to other sector stakeholders from India and overseas. The paper attempts to unravel how did an inefficient state electric utility transform itself into one of India’s most high-performing electricity distribution companies? What are the factors that worked and what were those conditions that enabled the government to succeed in Gujarat?

COVID-19 and nutrition: How the pandemic induced a much-awaited behavioural change

| October 15, 2020

A balanced diet and nutrition can act as an effective prophylactic measure against the COVID-19 infection. A positive behavioural change in our eating habits during lockdown must be sustained beyond the pandemic to ensure its long term positive impacts.

Shaping the Post-COVID-19 Development Paradigm in India: Some Imperatives for Greening the Economic Recovery

Research Paper
| October 14, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown many challenges for governments across the globe. Building on an initial understanding of the fallouts of the pandemic and the learning from the coping and management responses so far, this article first identifies some necessary elements and notions critical in shaping the post-pandemic development paradigm. The article also examines India’s post-COVID-19 economic package to understand the gaps and the elements we need to build further on for greening the economic recovery.

The need for re-strategising climate policies in the new-normal scenario

| October 13, 2020

The authors take a brief look at the present status of India's climate commitments, the implications of these recovery packages in the post COVID-19 crises, and the road ahead for clean and green development.

Improving reliability for underserved communities: How lessons from Nigeria could strengthen the Indian electricity grid

| October 12, 2020

Designed to help address the millions of customers who remain underserved in Nigeria, the undergrid model has wide-reaching implications for countries – worldwide – particularly countries like India, where reliable last-mile supply of electricity continues to be a challenge.

The Fascinating World of Butterflies: And the Need for their Conservation

| October 12, 2020

We need butterflies because they are the bio-indicators and can sense the slightest alteration in an ecosystem. We should all come together and join hands to conserve these magnificent creatures.