
हाथियों के डर से बेख़ौफ़ हुए असम के गाँव: सोलर ने दी आज़ादी

| October 8, 2020

सौर स्ट्रीट लाइट से असम के गाँव में रहने वाले इन लोगों की ज़िंदगी में बदलाव आए हैं। गाँव में नई दुकानें खुल गयी हैं। जिससे लोगों को रोज़गार के अवसर भी मिले हैं। महिलाएं सुरक्षित महसूस करती हैं।

A coevolutionary perspective on decentralised electrification: a solar mini-grid project in India

Research Paper
| October 2, 2020

Decentralised mini-grids can support household electrification needs in remote rural communities in developing countries. Adopting a practice-oriented perspective to research, we describe our experience in implementing a decentralised solar mini-grid project in India over a period of three years. Focusing on processes, we demonstrate how technical design, organisational mandates and project contingencies coevolve with business strategies, user practices, local institutions and ecosystems.

A Template for Long-range Energy Planning with Environmental Considerations for Developing Countries: A Case Study

Research Paper
| October 2, 2020

Existing studies using energy accounting models do not undertake analyses at the subnational level due to data deficiencies. In a Lakatosian sense, by applying the long-range energy alternatives planning framework at the sub-national level for a developing country, this paper contributes by providing an empirical study to the body of knowledge on energy planning. This study addresses this gap by developing scenarios for energy demand and supply management for green growth in the state of Punjab in India.

Global Climate Change: Challenges for India

Research Paper
| September 24, 2020

The global climate change is a huge existential threat to the world which requires urgent and immediate actions by the entire international community. India as a signatory to the Paris Agreement has an opportunity of influencing the global efforts when it assumes the presidency of G20 in 2022. India will need to respond to global expectations for enhanced actions while building consensus within G20 for low carbon transitions.

Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Youth Empowerment for Climate Action

Policy brief
| September 23, 2020

Download This brief focuses on empowering the youth to act on climate change and environmental protection by strengthening formal and informal environmental an

Discussion paper on National Inventory Management System (NIMS) in India - Issues, needs and implementation framework

Policy brief
| September 22, 2020

The paper discusses that a centralized National Inventory Management System (NIMS) in India is the need of the hour and its operational contours should be decided as expeditiously as possible. This is needed not only to compute India's emissions from various sources and sinks comprehensively and correctly, but also fulfill India’s international obligations to track the progress in respect of mitigation related commitments such as economy-wide goal to reduce emissions intensity and the sectoral goals as envisaged under India’s NDC.

Build Back Better: Revitalizing Clean Urbanization to Drive India's Post-Covid Economic Growth

Policy brief
| September 22, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the world economies in a unique and at an unprecedented scale. On the flipside, it has also given an opportunity to the economies, business and industries to rethink and respond on the type of recovery path they choose that essentially leads to minimal disruption and long-term stability. This report argues that sustainable urbanization should be front and centre of the recovery plan, in order to put the Indian economy back on a more equitable high growth pathway.

पटियाला और लुधियाना के कूड़े से भरे तालाबों में आई जान : फिर से हुए लबालब

| September 18, 2020

सालों पुराने तालाब कूड़े के ढेर में तब्दील हो रहे थे। लेकिन इन सिकुड़ते तालाबों को टेरी और यूबियल ने मिलकर सामुदायिक सहभागिता से पुनर्जीवित किया है। सबकी भागीदारी से ये तालाब अब पानी से लबालब भर गए हैं। घटते भूजल स्तर के लिए एक तालाब का बड़ा महत्व है। इस तरह के प्रयास जारी रहने चाहिए।

Unlocking the co-benefits of decarbonising India's power sector

Policy brief
| September 18, 2020

India is in the midst of an energy transition, with important social and economic implications depending on the pathways that are chosen. India's energy pathway will define the basis for its future development, including economic prosperity, business and employment opportunities as well as health impacts. At the same time, current investment decisions in India's energy sector will have a substantial impact on combating global warming and securing the livelihoods of people in India and elsewhere.

A Lens and a Filter: Tools for Accelerating COVID Recovery While Enabling Low Carbon Emissions Growth

| September 18, 2020

Developing green skills in India's workforce and enabling access to green equity is a need of the hour for recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and to nudge India ahead on the path of low carbon growth.