
जलवायु परिवर्तन: भारत को खिलाने की समस्या, कृषि को कमाई का ज़रिया बनाना दिक्कत

| July 3, 2020

1960 के दशक से भारतीय कृषि में भारी वृद्धि हुई है। हमने भारत की खाद्य असुरक्षा को दूर किया है लेकिन साथ ही नई चुनौतियां सामने आई हैं। भारत की खाद्य समस्या ने एक नया रूप ले लिया है। जलवायु परिवर्तन से हुए असर ने पहले से मौजूद कड़ी चुनौतियों को और बड़ा बना दिया है। जलवायु परिवर्तन (सूखा, बाढ़, ओलावृष्टि, भारी बारिश) के प्रभाव में जोखिम प्रबंधन एक बड़ी चुनौती है।

Climate Change, COVID-19 Burden India's Fisherfolk: Sustaining Livelihood in Lockdown

| June 30, 2020

While the fishing community in India was still grappling with the previous year's losses, COVID-19 emerged, denting their incomes further. Even after the lockdown ends, the fisheries will take much longer to recover.

Biodiversity, Pandemics, and the Web of Life

| June 29, 2020

India can restore biodiversity in urban and rural areas by creating green corridors in cities and rejuvenating water bodies in rural areas.

Addressing Air Quality Spurts due to Crop Stubble Burning during COVID19 Pandemic: A case of Punjab

Research Paper
| June 24, 2020

World over the headlines are centred on COVID-19. The World Health Organisation (WHO), various subject experts, and governments across the world see this pandemic sticking around in some measure until a cure or a vaccine has been found. In view of this, there is an urgent need that all stakeholders – governments, industry, people, and civil society – shift their strategy from largely reactive, so far, to proactive.

Assessing Management of Plastic Straws Attached with used Beverage Cartons – A Case Study of 3 Metropolitan Cities of India

Research Paper
| June 23, 2020

The global plastic production has increased from 1.5 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) in 1950 to 359 MMT in 2018 and overall around 8.3 Billion Metric Tonnes of virgin plastics have been produced worldwide. Globally, only 9% produced plastic was recycled and 12% went into thermal recovery routes. Indian plastic consumption is estimated to be 20 MMT by end of 2020with about 39% of total plastics being consumed for packaging. India’s growth rate of plastic consumption is one of the highest in the world, due to rising middle class income group.

Assessing the environmental benefits from switching auto-rickshaws in Chennai to electric

Policy brief
| June 18, 2020

In Chennai, auto rickshaws constitute 40% of all transport vehicles and 58% of passenger transport vehicles. The share of auto-rickshaws has increased from practically zero in 1970 to over 6% in 2008.

भारत के नेतृत्व को मज़बूत करने के लिए अक्षय ऊर्जा, यातायात और खाद्य सुरक्षा पर ध्यान देना ज़रूरी

| June 17, 2020

अक्षय ऊर्जा के लाभ सिर्फ पर्यावरण तक सीमित नहीं है बल्कि इस क्षेत्र में रोज़गार के अवसर भी पैदा किए जा सकते हैं। इसी तरह अगर हम साइकिल की तरफ रुख करेंगे तो भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था को इसका फायदा होगा। कृषि उत्पादन तो हमने बढ़ा लिया है लेकिन पोषण सुरक्षा को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमें जैविक खेती को बढ़ावा देना होगा और इससे स्थानीय स्तर पर रोज़गार के अवसर हो सकते हैं।

Integrating electric buses in public transport: Kolkata's success story

| June 16, 2020

The IEA featured TERI's case study on Kolkata's successful operation of e-buses fleet in its flagship publication GEVO 2020 The e-buses fleet was inaugurated by honourable chief minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee.

Nudging MSMEs towards natural gas to lighten Delhi's air pollution burden

| June 9, 2020

Making natural gas an attractive fuel option for small and medium industries can be an important step in cleaning Delhi-NCR's air

Make Hydrogen in India: Driving India towards the clean energy technology frontier

Policy brief
| June 5, 2020

Indian industry and government should work together to develop a hydrogen economy under an ambitious 'Hydrogen Mission' to maximise the benefits for India and accelerate the energy transition.