
Identification and screening for potential biodiesel yielding microalgae from North-East India

August 10, 2009 to February 4, 2013
| Completed Project

The main objectives of the project are: Collection, isolation, purification and identification of microalgae from lower Assam, Barak Valley and Meghalaya; Culture maintenance and deposition to the repository; Screening of lipid profile and quantification; Fatty acid profile identification and quantification;

Demonstration of Clean energy device for prepration of Mid day meals and promotion of Bio-intensive gardens

August 10, 2009 to April 6, 2010
| Completed Project

The project aims to demonstrate clean energy device for preparation of mid day meals in selected rural primary schools and also enhnace nutirional value through promotion of bio-intensive gardens. The project wil be implemented with community participation and also includes aspects to ensure sustainability and post project management.

Design and monitor rainwater harvesting implementation at BSES grid station in Common Wealth village

August 3, 2009 to March 11, 2011
| Completed Project

The aim of the project is to provide an action plan and design for implementation of rainwater harvesting and water conservation measures at BSES Power Station in Commonwealth Village, New Delhi. Specific objectives of the project are: a) Lower operating costs by reducing dependence on tankers and DJB piped water supply

ADB collaborates with TERI on LaBL to make lighting facilities reach at least 1500 households

August 3, 2009 to June 8, 2010
| Completed Project

ADB collaborates with TERI on LaBL to develop new methodologies and approaches and support demonstration projects that are scalable and replicable and/or modalities that are designed to lead to large scale programs and will have the most significant long term impacts on increasing households access to energy.

Advisory support for organisation of a Workshop on Sustainable Energies for SMEs

August 1, 2009 to January 28, 2011
| Completed Project

To provide advisory support to the organisers, M/s InWEnt-Capacity Building International for organisation of the Workshop on Sustainable Energies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

GIS based Biomass Production study for Assam, UP, Haryana, and Maharashtra

August 1, 2009 to July 24, 2010
| Completed Project

The project is to ascertain the availability of biomass based on agriculture residue at village level.The study should clearly provide the measure of the biomass in terms of type, amount, period of availability in a year during one complete crop year.

TERI-ITEC Training Programme on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - 2009-2010 from 4-22 January 2010

August 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010
| Completed Project

TERI has been empanelled by the ITEC (Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation programme) /Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa Programme (SCAAP) of the Government of India.

Global Eco-Business Forum

August 1, 2009 to November 28, 2009
| Completed Project

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) - Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) India and Nikkei Inc are jointly organizing the Global Eco-Business Forum on 5 September 2009 at Hotel Hyatt Regency, New Delhi, India.

GCN: Low Carbon Jobs and Finance

July 15, 2009 to March 16, 2011
| Completed Project

This project is a part of the GCN's 2009/10 research programme. It focuses on assessing the economic opportunities presented by the transition to a low carbon future. The aim of the project is three fold:1. To show and estimate the scale of the potential for job creation in key, low carbon industrial sectors in India

4th TERI-KAS Conference on Energy Resources and India''''s Security (1-2 October, Goa)

July 14, 2009 to July 6, 2010
| Completed Project

The 4th TERI-KAS conference will seek to unravel the linkages between energy resources and India’s national security agenda and strategy. The conference will specifically focus on the security challenges posed by alternative energy sources such as nuclear energy and uranium, hydropower and renewables, but will not exclude the security concerns pertaining to fossil fuels as well.