
Pre Feasibility study for Solar PV plants in different states

May 3, 2010 to November 15, 2010
| Completed Project

The potential area identification is first and most important criterion for the success of any solar project. One of the clients is interested to put grid connected Solar PV plant (MW scale) of various capacities in different states. For this, broad solar radiation resource assessment is required to have go/no go decision.

TERI-KAS International Energy Dialogue 2010

May 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010
| Completed Project

The conference emanates from a project that TERI is currently undertaking with support from KAF on "Responsible Sovereignty" and Energy Resources. The conference would focus mainly on two energy resources - coal and uranium.

‘Biomethanation plant for Recycling of biodegradable waste of township at KGPP (Kawas Gas Power Project)’ NTPC, Surat, Gujarat

April 28, 2010 to March 20, 2012
| Completed Project

The project objective includes setting up of 100 kg/day capacity Bio-methanation plant based on TERI Enhanced Acidification and Methanation (TEAM) Process for generation of biogas and manure from the township waste generated at Kawas Gas Power Project, NTPC, Kawas, Surat.

Directions Innovation and Strategies for Sustainable Development in Goa

April 27, 2010 to May 16, 2012
| Completed Project
| Environment | Land

The concept of the study derives from prior work at TERI at the national level (GREEN India - DISHA). This project will work out directions for sustainable development in Goa through the construction of baseline and alternative scenarios. Major objectives of the study are:- 1) To assess the current state of environment and human development in Goa.

Alternative energy generation options in India

April 26, 2010 to October 23, 2010
| Completed Project

The study aims to examine electricity generating strategies in India, given the need to significantly reduce carbon intensity in response to climate change.Particular attention will be paid to non-coal based generation (such as solar, wind, geothermal and nuclear), and what is known about the technology trajectories, costs, carbon intensity, and job creation possibilities associated with each; as

RETSCREEN training

April 23, 2010 to June 21, 2012
| Completed Project

RETScreen is a free software developed by The Natural Resources, Canada, for evaluating clean energy projects. TERI has experts trained and certified by The Natural Resources, Canada to train engineers and project managers to use RETScreen software. Under this project funded by The Natural Resoruces, Canada TERI will be organising a training workshop.

Organization of India Policy Workshop on "Status of MAC replacement technologies"

April 20, 2010 to January 28, 2011
| Completed Project

To organise a two-day India policy workshop on the status of MAC replacement technologies.

Energy access: The new mantra uplifting the urban poor

April 15, 2010 to December 27, 2010
| Completed Project

Rapid urban growth in developing countries has created an unprecedented demand for energy services. Cities face the enormous challenge of improving energy access to urban poor in order to improve their socio-economic conditions. According to UN estimates, about 33% of the population in developing countries lives in slums.

Installation of multi-purpose mini-hydro infrastructure (for energy and irrigation) (PPG)

April 10, 2010 to December 7, 2011
| Completed Project

The project objective is to prepare a main project document for the submission and approval from GEF based on feasibility study report including all the requirements of GEF (including socio-economics and technical aspects like design & cost estimate) for small hydro power plant at fall on St. Johns river in Ganta of Liberia.

Promoting mini-grids based on small hydropower for productive uses in Sierra Leone (PPG)

April 10, 2010 to November 23, 2011
| Completed Project

The project is to prepare main project document for the submission and approval from GEF based on feasibility study report including all the requirements of GEF (including socio-economics and technical aspects like design & cost estimate) for small hydro power plant at Singmi fall in Moyamba of Sierra Leone.