Indicative Road Map For Achieving Up To 40% Carbon Emission Reduction By 2020
August 31, 2010 to July 15, 2011
| Completed Project
The study is expected to provide inputs for designing an indicative roadmap of the economy in achieving the carbon emission reduction, by analysing existing information.
Integrated renewable energy resource assessment for Gujarat
August 15, 2010 to March 8, 2012
| Completed Project
Renewable Energy resource and potential assessment data presently available is not very user friendly. The data currently available is voluminous and very scattered. Moreover the assessment of the potential of a renewable energy resource is dependent on many factors apart from the resource availability itself and may not be accounted for.
Support for Research and Review of Preliminary Results for carbon capture and storage - Global Components, India
August 6, 2010 to July 21, 2011
| Completed Project
The main activities involved in this project are:1. General Framework for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)2. CO2 sources analysis3. Assesment of CO2 sinks4. Source-Sink-Matching5. Integrated assesment
Climate Change: Implications for human development, security, and
<br>ecosystem sustainability in Africa
August 2, 2010 to February 10, 2012
| Completed Project
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) jointly with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) are organizing the Seventh African Development Forum (ADF-VII). TERI will be contributing to the background research . A background paper has to be developed on "Climate change, human development, security and ecosystem sustainability".
Symposium on ‘Promoting Rural Entrepreneurship for Enhancing Access to Clean Lighting Options’ - A Parallel Event during DIREC 2010
August 1, 2010 to December 7, 2010
| Completed Project
The DIREC (Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference) 2010 is a part of the initiative taken at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, acknowledging the significance of renewable energies for sustainable development.
Backgrounder for Conference on Sustainable and Climate resilient Urban Development
July 21, 2010 to September 18, 2010
| Completed Project
DFID- India co-hosted a conference on 'Sustainable and Climate Resilient Urban Development' on September 8-9, 2010 along with Rockefeller Foundation and commissioned TERI to prepare a thematic publication as a background to the Conference.
Parallel Event on Solar Water Heating Systems: Global Perspectives during DIREC 2010
July 20, 2010 to June 21, 2012
| Completed Project
The Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference (DIREC) 2010 is a part of initiative taken at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, acknowledging the significance of renewable energies for sustainable development ? especially for combating poverty and for environmental and climate protection.
Training Program on Air Quality Modeling
July 15, 2010 to May 4, 2011
| Completed Project
TERI is organizing a training program to bridge the gap and build the capacity of SPCBs, PCCs, etc in the field of air quality modeling. The program will build the concepts of air quality modeling, demonstrate the use of air quality models and provide ready to use course material on the subject.
Consumer Protection in the Power Sector: An appraisal of the initiatives in Delhi
July 8, 2010 to August 2, 2013
| Completed Project
The objective of this assignment is to study the existing mechanism for enforcement of performance standards and suggest a road map for monitoring of complaints and enforcing consumers' rights in an effective manner.
Design, development, and testing of biomass aasifier waste heat based integrated power and cooling using Turnstone Climate Well System
July 2, 2010 to June 21, 2012
| Completed Project
The biomass gasification is one of the emerging green technological options which are available today. The high conversion efficiency coupled with the reduction in emission makes the gasification process suitable for widespread application.