
TERI-UNSW workshop on Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) for Wastewater Treatment

November 6, 2008 to December 31, 2008
| Completed Project

The workshop on “Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) for Wastewater Treatment” was held on 6th November 2008 at TERI, in collaboration with UNESCO Center for Membrane Science and Technology, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.

High Level Conference on Climate Change in the Asia and Pacific-A Development Challenge

November 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010
| Completed Project

Objectives of the Conference 1/ Share information and best practices and policies, technologies, partnerships and other measures that can help Asia and the Pacific region tackle the challenges. 2/ Promote regional cooperation to meet objectives and provide a forum for Asia policymakers to express their views in addressing global issues

Energy audit study of 6th unit (1 x 110 MW) of The Durgapur Projects Ltd

November 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
| Completed Project

To carry out a comprehensive energy audit study of the Durgapur Projects Limited with the following specific objectives: 1/ To carry out a detailed performance evaluation of major equipments and auxiliaries in the power plant with a view to identify thrust areas for energy conservation. 2/ To quantify the extent of energy savings/performance improvement that can be achieved.

Preservation of freshwater ecosystems in Navi Mumbai for sustainable resource utilization

October 16, 2008 to January 20, 2011
| Completed Project

The salient features of the project:1. The project is the first unique demonstration effort in the entire MMR (Mumbai Metropolitan Region).

Seminar on Climate Change and Eco Technologies -
<br>Indo-Belgian Collaboration

October 15, 2008 to November 20, 2008
| Completed Project

The seminar on ‘Climate Change and Eco Technologies: Indo-Belgian Collaboration’ aims to brings together Indian and Belgian academicians, economic actors and political decision makers with the aim to discuss the challenges faced by both countries due to climate change and the need for collaboration on various fronts, vis-à-vis promotion of eco-technologies, its transfer and diffusion.

Water and energy solutions for Sub-Saharan Africa

October 12, 2008 to July 2, 2009
| Completed Project

The objectives of this project are to: 1. Improve overall system efficiency in municipal water systems, reducing costs and negative environmental impacts, while expanding water and wastewater services to the region’s underserved populations, specifically targeting the three pilot cities.

Negotiating Justice

October 10, 2008 to August 15, 2010
| Completed Project

‘Negotiating Justice’ brings out India’s negotiating position on climate change. That the earth’s atmosphere belongs equally to all is the film’s core argument. While highlighting a series of clean-tech initiatives led by the government, it reiterates India’s commitment towards developing a low-carbon economy.

Climate and energy in a complex transition process towards sustainability in Hyderabad

October 1, 2008 to April 3, 2014
| Completed Project

TERI's role in the project is to develop concept papers on the following topics along with its project partners: 1. Regulatory reforms and urban governance 2. Energy-efficient technology in industry, water, housing, transport, cooking etc. 3. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which includes studies on urban and peri-urban forestry for carbon

ITEC Training Programme on Trade and Sustainable Development

October 1, 2008 to October 22, 2012
| Completed Project

The course seeks to enhance capacity of stakeholders from developing countries on different dimensions of trade and sustainable development. It would provide an introduction to multilateral and regional trade regime, global institutions and sustainability, multilateral environmental agreements and trade linkage. There

Cultural dimensions of biodiversity: Sacred Natural Sites

October 1, 2008 to June 11, 2011
| Completed Project

Sacred natural sites have proven importance for the biodiversity conservation in India. Some of the recent policies of biodiversity conservation such as Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and Amendments in Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 have created opportunities for the conservation of the SNS in their existing form along with local institutions.