Ongoing Projects

Estimate the potential carbon benefit earn by shifting households to improved cookstoves

January 23, 2023
| Energy Access
| Air
| Climate Change

Indoor air pollution is a critical issue in rural areas. The use of biomass in the traditional household cookstove of the rural areas is also an important source of atmospheric black carbon. Conventional cooking methods have also been reported as important source of ambient air pollution in different cities. Promoting cleaner fuels like LPG to remote rural areas has different issues. In West Bengal, many rural households still depend on cooking in traditional cookstoves using locally available biomass materials.

Transformative Climate Action using Participatory data driven decision making platforms (T-CAP)

December 26, 2022
| Sustainable Habitat
| Climate Change
| Cities

India is undergoing rapid urbanization, with its urban population expected to surpass its rural population by 2031. This process has been accompanied by a gamut of social, economic, and environmental changes, including increased greenhouse gas emissions and the potential for greater vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. One of the main challenges Indian cities are facing as they grapple with adversities is the need to adapt to extreme weather events. These events can have significant impacts on public health, economic productivity, and infrastructure.

Aggregating DSM Opportunities Among Industrial Consumers at Utility Level for Low Carbon Growth

November 27, 2022
| Energy

Recognizing the enormous potential for DSM among industrial consumers, TERI, with support from MacArthur Foundation, undertook a study to explore the scope for aggregation of the DSM opportunities among SME industrial consumers in India. For the study, a partnership with the largest private sector power utility, Tata Power, was forged. About 100 SME customers were selected in consultation with Tata Power spread across Delhi, Ajmer, and Mumbai. The selection of the SMEs was followed by unit level energy assessment studies.

Rehabilitation services at RMP for converting red mud dump yard into green cover

October 7, 2022
| Land

The Land Resource Division of TERI has been actively involved in the rehabilitation/remediation of mined-out areas as well as the dissemination of rehabilitation technology through the implementation of pilot projects and training and capacity building.

ELEVATE- Enabling and leveraging climate Action Towards net zero Emissions

September 1, 2022
| Energy Assessment and Modelling

By 2025, countries are expected to produce new NDCs covering the post-2030 period, informed during the 2022-23 period by the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC and the Paris Agreement Global Stocktake. Project results are anticipated to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Provision of information for the preparation of climate policies and national planning for the post-2030 period, in light of the Paris Agreement goals and the need to reduce global net greenhouse emissions to zero by 2050.

Long term plastic flux monitoring and river assessment in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)

August 11, 2022
| Waste
| Environment

While the usability of plastic in different spheres of the modern lifestyle such as automobiles, electronics and medical equipment cannot be done away completely, efforts to tackle plastic waste entering the marine environment are essential.

This calls for an assessment of the types and quantity of plastic waste entering water bodies which would also provide insights of consumer behavior with respect to plastic waste management.

Integrated development of school and community leading to learning and development through interventions of sustainable technologies

August 11, 2022
| Environment

The PNB Gilts CSR project with TERI has led to the implementation of CSR project in Rewari for the community and school on the theme of environment sustainability.

CONCOR CSR Chair project for Environment Sustainability

August 10, 2022
| Environment

CONCOR CSR Chair project on Environment Sustainability is a CSR based initiative to address the social and environmental issues for most vulnerable community in India and to provide sustainable solutions on the theme of environment sustainability. The project involved both research and implementation components. Primarily, the research component covered research on CSR, identification of the project area, designing, planning and implementation aspects of the project. The implementation component intended to strengthen the rural community in the identified district in State of Jharkhand.