Ongoing Projects
TERI-Deakin Nanobiotechnology Research Centre
December 1, 2017
| Sustainable Agriculture
The TERI-Deakin Nanobiotechnology Centre, a collaboration between TERI and Deakin University, Australia has been working on using nanobiotechnology to provide sustainable agriculture solutions
The TERI-Deakin Nanobiotechnology Centre (TDNBC) was established under this project in 2011 by TERI's Biotechnology and Bioresources Division in collaboration with Deakin University, Australia. Its mandate is to develop innovative nanobiotechnology-based solutions to address current challenges in the field of agriculture and environment.
Endocrine Disruptors in Indian Food: minimizing children exposure and fostering a safer space for agriculture and food market (EDIFY)
December 1, 2017
| Environment
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Health & Nutrition
The main objectives of this project are to: i) conduct a comprehensive assessment of exposure of the Indian population to endocrine disrupting substances (EDS)through the diet (food and water); ii) assess climate and anthropological drivers controlling levels of EDS in drinking water and agricultural products; iii) identify sound risk reduction measures and management options for reducing exposure to EDS;
Technical support on herb cultivation UPDLP-Himmotthan Society
November 8, 2017
| Himalayan Centre, Nainital
Promotion and Cultivation of Selected Herbal Plants for Enhancement of Rural Economy
Analyzing implications of land-use-change coupled with climate change on surface runoff using a hydrological model: Case study of Goa
November 6, 2017
| Climate Change
The overall objective for the proposed work is to assess the impact of the land-use-change and projected climatic changes on the near surface hydrology across a watershed in Goa. The specific objectives of the proposed work are to: 1. Develop a modelling protocol that couples future climate data for different scenarios with a hydrologic model simulating stream flow; 2. Apply the modelling protocol to the study area on the watershed scale. Calibrate and validate the model for the proposed study area;
Evaluation of modelling techniques for air quality management in Delhi
November 5, 2017
| Air
The project aims to use established modelling techniques for spatial mapping of air pollutants in the city of Delhi using the data of existing monitoring stations. The spatial maps will provide information about air pollutant levels in all locations of the city. This will help in identification of air pollution hotspots in the city in order to take corrective actions. The project also aims to test the air quality models for forecasting at certain locations, which will help in generating public advisories.
Circular Economy: A Business Imperative for India
November 1, 2017
The report provides insights and perspectives on how policy and businesses have to come together towards closing the loop. The report presents specific opportunities in four sectors that are cornerstones to the Indian economy – Agriculture, Automotive, Construction and Electronic & Electricals. These sectors have high potential for growth and are assessed for benefits accrued by adopting circular economy.
US-India collaborative for smart distribution system with storage (UI-ASSIST)
September 25, 2017
The US-India collAborative for smart diStribution System wIth Storage (UI-ASSIST) is a consortium under the Joint Clean Energy Research & Development Centre (JCERDC) of the IUSSTF. The research group consists of leading academic institutes, research organisations, power sector utilities and industry partners from India and the US.
To implement awareness and information outreach activities, forming part of the non-investment component of India's HPMP Stage-I
September 1, 2017
| Climate Change
TERI will implement awareness and information outreach activities, forming part of the non-investment component of India's HPMP Stage-I through: (a) Production of quarterly Newsletter for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (RAC) service technicians starting September, 2017 till September 2020; (b) Developing and circulating the quarterly newsletter.
Developing energy efficient technology compendium for Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) sector
September 1, 2017
| Energy Efficiency
The project aims to (1) Conduct energy audit of six EAF units (2) Develop a technology package compendium 'Energy efficient technology packages for electric arc furnace', and (3) Develop a booklet 'Ready reckoner on energy efficient technology packages for electric arc furnace'.