Ongoing Projects

Urban Farming in Navi Mumbai Eco-City

December 27, 2017
| Sustainable Habitat

Eco–city broadly means a human settlement modelled on the self–sustaining structure and functioning of natural ecosystems. It is developed on the lines of integrated urban planning and management programmes addressing social and ecological health of the city. Navi Mumbai, a planned twin city of Mumbai, is ready to take up another stride towards sustainability through a joint venture of TERI and NMMC (Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation) under the project “ECO–CITY”.

Environmental Status reports for Urban Local Bodies

December 27, 2017

As per the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation (MMC) Act 1949, section 67(A), it is mandatory for all Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of the state of Maharashtra to submit an annual Environmental Status Report (ESR) to General body on or before 31st July. The ESR indicates the city’s environmental concerns, growth factors and its impacts, provides information on the environmental infrastructure including water supply, sewage management, traffic and transportation, solid waste management, biodiversity, overall environmental pollution and degradation and possible mitigation measures required.

Air and Water Quality report of Maharashtra

December 27, 2017

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) regularly monitors the qualitative state of the water resources across the state as well as the air quality across various locations in the state. TERI has been extending support to the State Pollution Control Board in sorting and analyzing the data sets whilst developing graphical and spatial illustrations. It helps in providing a comprehensive overview of the situation in one glance and helps develop strategies for reducing the pollution levels.

Dental Nanocomposite resins based on hybrid dimethacrylates: Mechanical, wear and shrinkage characteristics

December 27, 2017

These resins will be biocompatible and can be used as dental restoratives. These materials will have good wear characteristics and enhanced mechanical properties. In this study, alkoxy silane will be used along with a mixture of dimethacrylates.

Technical support to team members of UPDLP - Himmotthan Society

December 27, 2017

Technical support on herb cultivation, processing and marketing to the producers and field team members of Uttarakhand Post Disaster Livelihood Programme.

Biodiversity for food security

December 27, 2017
| Himalayan Centre, Nainital

To improve food security and natural resource-use efficiency in a hilly through the application of biotechnology and reintroduction of traditional crops and practices.

Switching to a sustainable auto-rickshaw system: triggering sustainable lifestyles and poverty reduction in urban India

December 27, 2017
| Transport
| Sustainable Habitat
| Cities

Switching to a sustainable auto-rickshaw system: Triggering sustainable lifestyles and poverty reduction in urban India- The project aims to promote sustainable consumption, the objective of the project is to provide integrated solutions based on three principles namely access to financial social services, alternative sources of revenue and clean tech for auto rickshaws thus propelling consumer to opt for cleaner choices. The European union funded project is consortium of Three partners- The Energy resource institute, ACRA Fondizone, ENVIU, Women health and Development.

Studying the urban Indian mobility to Indian mitigate emissions

December 27, 2017
| Sustainable Habitat

The objective of the study is to assess, how additional investment in mass public transportation and demand management policies related to vehicle ownership etc , can help Indian cities mitigate CO2 emissions. The project encapsulates a futuristic time period which further highlights how insufficient investment in public transportation, could exacerbate the growing problems of GHG emissions, and urban congestion.

Life cycle assessment of Hot Mix and Cold Mix technologies for Construction and Maintenance of Rural Roads

December 27, 2017
| Transport
| Environment
| Sustainable Habitat

The project aims to study these hot mix and CRRI-Bitchem cold mix technology applications for rural road construction and maintenance works in India in order to estimate and compare their life cycle cost, energy consumption, GHG and criteria pollutants generation, material consumption, impacts on safety and health of construction workers and population, road maintenance requirements, and project implementation requirements.