TERI-SDC interventions in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector

01 Jan 2009 31 Oct 2012
Goal and outcomes
To improve the energy performance of the Indian MSME sector

Considering the different level and stages of the past work of TERI in the foundry, brick and glass sectors and the proposed level of involvement in the three sectors of intervention during the next three years, the project outcomes for the three sectors have been defined and given in the following table.

Foundry Brick Glass
Entrepreneurs of the foundry sector adopt energy efficient technology packages coupled with measures designed to improve working conditions Brick sector entrepreneurs adopt energy efficient technology packages and best operating practices (BOP) and the working conditions in this sector are improved Entrepreneurs of the glass cluster in Firozabad adopt and sustainably operate energy efficient technologies and improve working conditions before SDC exits the glass sector at the end of 2011

These outcomes were deliberated and decided in the stakeholder consultative workshop organized by TERI and SDC on 11-13 August 2008 at New Delhi. In general, the project will consolidate the intervention in the glass sector and scale up in the foundry sector. TERI will work closely with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power to complement their ongoing program in these two sectors under their SME scheme. In the case of brick sector, TERI will explore working with Ministry of MSME with regard to its existing scheme for promoting VSBKs in the country. In addition, the focus in all the sectors will be on capacity building and knowledge sharing with the relevant stakeholders.

In line with the different outcomes in the three sectors, the outputs have been arrived separately and are given below in the following table.

Foundry Brick Glass
1.1 Different service delivery models for technology up-gradation are developed and implemented

2.1 Entrepreneurs are aware of Government promotional schemes on VSBK

3.1 Glass sector entrepreneurs, service providers and operators are capable of constructing, operating, maintaining and troubleshooting energy efficient pot furnaces
1.2 Knowledge base of stakeholders expanded in the sector on best operating practices and worker safety aspects
2.2 Entrepreneurs and firemen are capable of implementing BOP for BTK covering firing and safety measures

3.2 Entrepreneurs not using energy efficient technologies are aware of TERI energy efficient technology for pot furnace

1.3 Programs are developed by TERI and financial resources are obtained from new partners for up-scaling energy efficient technologies
2.3 Programs are developed by TERI and financial resources are obtained from new partners for up-scaling energy efficient technologies
3.3 A technology for enhancing pot life in pot furnace is developed and information on the technology is disseminated

1.4 Social action on Worker-Owner Forum (WOF) for Howrah cluster is consolidated and extended to at least one additional cluster 2.4 The capacity of the existing firemen organization (BPVS) is strengthened and they are able to advocate themselves for better working conditions 3.4 Entrepreneurs are aware and capable of implementing safety measures

3.5 Programs are developed by TERI and financial resources are obtained from new partners for up-scaling energy efficient technologies

The above outputs will result in further reduction of GHG emissions from the three sectors of intervention. Based upon the indicators set in the LFAs, the direct GHG emission reduction is expected to increase from the present level of 280,000 tonnes of CO2 to 550,000 tonnes of CO2 by 2011. More importantly, the project will build capacities at the local levels so that energy savings and cleaner technologies become an integral part of the future activities in targeted sectors/clusters.