Completed Projects
Distribution Loss Reduction - DRUM Training Programme (7-11 March 2005)
February 1, 2005 to
May 30, 2005
Hydrological and hydro-chemical studies at Najafgarh drain catchment (Delhi) and its impact on River Yamuna
August 1, 2002 to
May 26, 2005
Introduction of AMF (arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi) as biofertilizers and soil-structure stabilizers for sustainable agriculture
March 1, 2000 to
May 26, 2005
The main objectives of this project are to:to initiate and establish an Indo-Swiss collaboration in a network of institutions, with a focus on beneficial plant-microbe interactions at the root-soil interface, a topic relevant for the development of sustainable agriculture;
to isolate and functionally and genetically characterize AMF strains efficient in promoting growth of wheat and pulses under semi-arid conditions and in low nutrient soils;
Scoping Study for an Energy Security Model for India
January 1, 2004 to
May 23, 2005
The share of oil in the country's fuel mix has steadily risen from 25% in 1960s to about 33% in the 1990s. Though the energy elasticity is projected to decline to 0.55 in 2025 from the present 0.70, the share of oil in overall energy availability is projected to increase to 40% over the same period.Workshop on Power supply to Agricultural sector - 10 November 2004, held at Hyderabad
November 1, 2004 to
May 11, 2005
The variations in the monsoon pattern as well as the competitive pressures due to globalisation have placed Indian farmers under greater stress. In this context, the issue of pricing power to agriculture has assumed enormous significance particularly when seen in light of the poor economic status of the farmers. This workshop was organised to address several issues that would focus on the most appropriate mechanisms for subsidizing electricity supply to farmers, defining efficient delivery mechanisms and any policy/regulatory issues that might arise in these areas.Regional conference on universality of infrastructure services: financing, delivery, legal, and regulatory issues
July 26, 2004 to
April 30, 2005
Assistance to UERC for preparation of regulation for determination of terms and conditions for transmission and distribution tariff and assistance to UERC for UPCL tariff order
January 8, 2004 to
April 30, 2005
To assist the Commission in preparation of terms and condition for transmission and distribution tariff and issuing of distribution tariff order.